W i n d o w s S o m e t h i n g s y o u m i g h t w a n t t o k n o w
Customise you PC Set your computer up to suit you. (Right click on the desktop and select Personalize)
Jump Lists Check out your most recent documents for each program. (Right click on the program icon) Snap Compare two windows side by side the easy way. (Drag the windows you want to compare to either side of the screen)
Peek View your desktop without having to minimise all your windows. (Left click or hover over the far righthand side of the task bar.) Shake Isolate the window you are in by making all the others disappear. (Left click the mouse and hold on the window bar. Then shake the mouse back and forward.)
Libraries A new way of organising your folders and files. A library brings your stuff together in one place no matter where it's actually stored.
Saving, copying & moving There are many different ways to do all of these things. Some are more appropriate for certain situations.
Gadgets Some handy apps for your desktop. (Right click on your desktop and select “gadgets”.) Keyboard Shortcuts Speed up your workflow by using keyboard shortcuts. (see handout)
Calculator For all you scientists out there. The new calculator can do everything but make the breakfast. (Click on the Start menu. Go to the top of the menu.)
Windows Live Microsoft’s answer to GoogleDocs (kind of). (Click on the Start menu. Then on All Programs. Go to Windows Live Photo.)
Uploading Photos Plug your camera in and turn it on. (Click on the Start menu. Then on All Programs. Go to Windows Live Photo.)
Queries? Go for it!