Jeremy Tillman William Ehlhardt Heather Barrett Daeho Hong
The FlySpy project is an autonomous aircraft that flies to waypoints given by GPS coordinates. While at these coordinates, the aircraft will be capable of taking photographs of the location with an onboard camera.
RC Airplane with Rx/Tx Camera Accelerometers and Gyros Barometer GPS Receiver Range Finder SD Card
Ability to control airplane’s control surfaces and throttle Ability to read/write flight information to non- volatile memory Ability to take pictures with onboard camera Ability to autonomously navigate to GPS coordinates Ability to calculate orientation of the vehicle
Microcontroller - Microchip PIC24FJ256GA110 ▪ 9 input Capture ports ▪ 5 output Compare ▪ 4-UART, 3-SPI ▪ 16 ATD Channel Camera - Nikon CoolPix s7c ▪ Weight (4oz) ▪ Slim ▪ Len not retractable
Accelerometer – Analog Devices ADXL330 ▪ Three Axis Reading ▪ +/- 3g ▪ Low noise ▪ 3 ATD Channel Consumption Gyro – Invensense IDG300 ▪ Two Axis ▪ +/- 500 Degrees/second ▪ 2 ATD Channel Consumption Barometer – SCP 1000 ▪ SPI interface ▪ 17-bit resolution
GPS Receiver – uBlox LEA-4P ▪ Operates at 4Hz ▪ 2.5m Circular Error Probability ▪ UART and USB Interfaces Range Finder – Maxsonar EZ-1 ▪ Range of 6m ▪ Option of PWM & Analog interfacing Step Down Converter - LTC1174 ▪ 94% Efficiency ▪ Vin ranges of 4V – 18.5
1.8” X 5” Area PCB will be mounted inside the cockpit Packaging Camera and Rangefinder on bottom of Aircraft Placing Antenna on back end of fuselage
File System Input Regular txt file format Line by line command instructions ▪ [Latitude_Coord] [Longitude_Coord] [Altitude] [Pic?] File System Output XML File format Log with timestamps ▪ Position ▪ Orientation ▪ Controls
Hardware PCB Design completed (March 13 th ) PCB Soldering (March 27 th ) Packaging Complete (March 30 th ) Software Port Configurations (March 20 th ) Initial Autopilot Program for Comparison Flight ( April 1 st ) Configured Autopilot Program/First Flight(April 8 th ) Final Software Solution (April 17 th )