The Renaissance & Reformation Chapters 13 & 15
Renaissance Renaissance= “Rebirth” change from ancient/medieval times to modern Applied to cultural changes= more emphasis on “self” instead of religion Humanism: focused on individual & intellectual achievement; studied classic culture of Greece & Rome Humanities: subjects of rhetoric, poetry, history Petrarch= humanist poet
Italian Renaissance Italy= birthplace of Renaissance and of Catholic Church, center of Roman Empire Catholic Church= patron of the arts Italy= Center of trade, good location
Renaissance Art Art reflected humanist ideas & techniques Perspective: allowed artists to create realistic scenes & looked 3-D Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael
Writers Book of Courtier, Baldassare Castiglione How to be a well-mannered, well-educated, aristocrat or courtier The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli Guide for how rulers should gain and maintain power/ code of conduct These are both “how to” books!
Printing Revolution Northern Europe= good economy Printing Press: (1440)invented by Johann Gutenburg 1455: First Bible printed Printed books= easier to produce, affordable= PRINTING REVOLUTION!
Northern Renaissance Flanders: Prosperous city of Renaissance--> center of trade Painters used realism and vibrant colors to paint landscapes and religious scenes Albrecht Durer: Italian painter & pioneer in spreading Renaissance ideas throughout Northern Europe Made engravings popular & used religious themes
Renaissance Writers Erasmus: translated Bible into vernacular to be understood by common people William Shakespeare: poet/playwright wrote 37 plays, complex language, genius mqpzdU&feature=share&list=UUAiABuhVS MZJMqyv4Ur5XqA
What was the Renaissance? 2 Parts: 1. A shift in thought: A focus on the right now & secular/“worldly”, rather than the religious/Heaven New emphasis on individual achievement/self 2. An openness to experimentation: Exploring the world (Columbus) Scientific inquiry (Galileo, Copernicus) Trying new techniques in art (Michelangelo) Challenging religious doctrine (Luther)
Renaissance & Religion 1500s Renaissance leads to religious confusion People questioned the lavish lifestyles of the clergy (Popes & priests) People questioned the authority of the Roman Catholic Church
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther: German monk in Wittenburg Outraged that Church sold indulgences to Christians to pay for rebuilding of cathedral in Rome Indulgences: replaced punishments for sins 95 Theses: arguments against pope & Church nailed to church doors furious debate
Protestant Reformation Charles V (5 th ): Holy Roman Emperor summoned Luther to assembly & ordered him to change 95 Theses Luther refused, because he believed all Christians deserved equal access to God & Bible Printing presses spread Luther’s message & it became the Protestant Reformation
Calvinists John Calvin: challenged Catholic church in Switzerland & agreed w/ Luther Predestination: belief that all events have already been determined by God Set up theocracy (church+govt) & spread reforms, gained followers= Calvinists
Protestant Groups Reformation spreads, new Protestant sects(groups) organize to influence many countries Many rejected Catholic idea of infant baptism “children not old enough to make decision of salvation” Gives rise to new denominations: Baptists, Amish, Methodists, etc…
English Reformation Henry VIII: broke w/ Catholic Church to divorce wife, Catherine of Aragon Had 1 child: Mary Tudor, but wanted son Divorced Catherine to marry Anne Boleyn Catholic pope refused to annul marriage
English Ref (cont) Act of Supremacy: Henry VIII established himself as head of Church of England Catholics refused to recognize this Elizabeth I: daughter of Henry & Anne B Takes throne after Mary dies (After Edward) Edward VI: son of Henry w/ 6 th wife, took age of 9 Made many Protestant reforms
Catholic Reformation Catholics wanted to end corruption w/in Church & revive Catholic faith Council of Trent, est. education Mary Tudor restored Catholicism in England, est. Inquisition Tortured & executed Protestants
The Center of the Universe Heart of Scientific Revolution= mathematical reasoning Before 1500s= earth was center of universe Heliocentric: Sun-centered universe Discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus (1543) Tycho Brahe: provided evidence to support Copernicus’ theory
Earth, Space, & the Church Johannes Kepler: used Brahe’s info to calculate planetary orbit Galileo: assembled telescope & saw 4 moons of Jupiter Attacked by society & the Church because he challenged Christian teachings
Science & Methods Hypothesis: scientists used observations, experiments, & data to explain reasoning Process became known as scientific method Sir Francis Bacon & Rene Descartes= developed scientific method
Science of Change Robert Boyle: explained matter is composed of particles chemistry Isaac Newton: used mathematics to show planetary orbits & force of gravity Also developed calculus to explain his theories