U.S. History Online
What is U.S. History Online? ► U.S. History Online is a database of text, graphics, timelines, primary sources and maps pertaining to American History. ► This is a paid database, therefore, you can only access this information from a Smith Middle School computer or from your home computer, since you are a Smith student. ► It is available over the world wide web, but it is NOT an internet resource.
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BROWSE ► Biographies ► Events & Topics ► Primary Sources ► Timelines ► Image Gallery ► Maps & Charts
Biographies ► You can use the Browse Biographies feature to meet the fascinating, important, and unique figures of American history. Choose entries from our editors’ highlighted lists or browse entries by topic, occupation, or time period.
Events & Topics ► You can use the Browse Events and Topics feature to explore important wars, movements, or cultural phenomena in American history. Choose entries from our editors’ highlighted lists or browse entries by topic or time period.
Primary Sources ► You can use the Browse Primary Sources feature to see documents important to American history. Choose entries from our editors’ lists of key documents or browse entries by document type, topic, or time period.
Timelines ► Click here to access a general overview timeline of American history. View events from pre- colonial times to the present day. You can also search by a range of dates. To search a single year type that year into both boxes.
Image Gallery ► You can use the Browse Image Gallery feature to view thousands of historical images in both color and black and white. Choose entries from our editors’ lists of highlighted images or browse entries by topic or time period.
Maps & Charts ► You can use the Browse Maps and Charts feature to look at battle maps, immigration graphs, presidential cabinet tables, and much more. Choose entries from our editors’ lists or browse entries by topic or time period.
How do I cite an entry in the database? ► At the bottom of every entry we have provided citation information that you can use when referencing the database. ► Example for entry on George Washington: ► Text Citation: Wilson, Richard L. "Washington, George." American Political Leaders, American Biographies. New York: Facts On File, Inc., Facts On File, Inc. American History Online.. ► Image Citation: "Washington, George." Library of Congress. Painting. Facts On File, Inc. American History Online..
Learning Centers ► The editors at Facts On File have created unique Learning Centers to help students and researchers find new ways to explore the vast amount of content in our databases. Each Learning Center is composed of hand-picked entries on people, events and topics, primary sources, and further resources such as images, maps and graphs, and chronologies. Learning Centers also provide links to comprehensive overview essays. The linked entries have been specifically chosen to provide a broad, inclusive look at an era or subject. Each entry in a Learning Center also includes links to related entries, which will help a user explore even further.
Learning Centers ► Colonial Era ► American Revolution ► Early Expansion ► Civil War & Reconstruction ► Guilded Age ► Progressive Age & World War I ► Roaring Twenties ► Great Depression & 1930s ► World War II & 1940s ► 1950s ► 1960s ► 1970s ► 1980s ► 1990s ► present