United Nations Development Programme | Management Consulting Team Horizon Scan Burkina Faso Version 0.1, 19 May 2016
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 1 COUNTRY CONTEXT 17.6 million 2014 population Low Income Country LIC Source: World Bank, as of 19 May Note on export data – “All other” includes footwear, wood, misc., hides and skins, chemicals, plastic or rubber, animal, minerals and food products.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 3 Country programme focusing on economic development, governance, and sustainability & resilience – 2015 CPD SUMMARY Outcome 1 | Pro-poor growth Build capacity for strategic planning and implementation with regard to poverty reduction measures, incl. micro-financing mechanisms, employment opportunities, and climate change adaptation Outcome 2 | Human capital development Provide training with regard to HIV/Aids prevention and protection especially among adolescents. Outcome 3 | Efficient public administration respecting human rights and gender equality Build government capacities on Rule of Law and development aid management; facilitate anti-corruption measures and local development. Source: CPD (extended by 1 year until 31 December 2016)
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 4 PROJECT GEOGRAPHICAL SPREAD Source: open.undp.org, accessed 19-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 5 3 largest projects accounted for 36% of budget and 39% delivery, with an average delivery rate of 83% PROJECTS Delivery % 0% 100% Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Note: Bubble size denotes budget. Color denotes delivery rate. Programme gouvernance – suus composante politique Budget: $2.6m Delivery rate: 85% Consolidation Gouvernance Environnemental e Locale Budget: $2.1m Delivery rate: 95% Programme d’appui aux Parcs de l’Entente Budget: $2.7m Delivery rate: 70%
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 6 3 largest projects accounted for 37% of budget and 74% delivery, with an average delivery rate of 90% PROJECTS Delivery % 0% 100% Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Note: Bubble size denotes budget. Color denotes delivery rate. Programme gouvernance – sous composante politique Budget: $2.1m Delivery: 97% Programme d’appui aux Parcs de l’Entente Budget: $1.6m Delivery rate: 74% Projet d’appui aux elections Budget: $4.7m Delivery rate: 99%
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 7 3 largest projects account for 24% of budget and 20% delivery thus far. Overall average delivery rate of 11% PROJECTS Delivery % 0% 100% Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Note: Bubble size denotes budget. Color denotes delivery rate. Systeme alerte preoce Budget: $1.2m Delivery rate: 1% Programme d’appui aux parxs de l’Entente Phase 2 Budget: $1.1m Delivery rate: 33% Projet Résilience Budget: $858k Delivery rate: 12%
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 8 Balanced portfolio dominated by medium-sized projects PROJECT FIGURES Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Share by # project Share by budget $
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 9 Further concentration around medium-sized projects, but overall no big changes compared to PROJECT FIGURES Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Share by # project Share by budget $
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 10 Significantly reduced portfolio with no projects > $1m PROJECT FIGURES Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Share by # project Share by budget $
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 11 Significant reduction of # of projects since 2012, and overall shrinking portfolio after peak in 2014 due to one large project – 2016 PROJECT PORTFOLIO Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 12 3 rd party cost sharing remains the most important resource type across years ( average: 45% ), with regular resources coming second ( 27% ) and vertical trust funds ( 12% ) third. PROGRAMME RESOURCE TYPES Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 13 Small but consistent donor base across years, with GEF increasing its engagement. PROGRAMME DONOR BASE Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 14 Management ratio comparatively high during , but continuously decreasing since COUNTRY OFFICE FUND TYPES Source: New Executive Snapshot. Retrieved 19-May Management ratio calculated as management expenditure vs. overall expenditure. 7.7% % Management Ratio
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 15 COUNTRY OFFICE PLANNED STAFF Source: Corporate Planning System, retrieved 19-May Note: planned, not actual, including vacant positions.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 16 COUNTRY OFFICE PLANNED STAFF Source: Corporate Planning System, retrieved 19-May Note: planned, not actual, including vacant positions.
Horizon Scan | Burkina Faso 17 COUNTRY OFFICE CURRENT STAFF Source: Old Executive Snapshot, retrieved 19-May Note: excludes any Service Contracts administered on behalf of other agencies. Service Contracts Breakdow n
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 19 Continuous downward trend of revenue, while staffing costs increased significantly in XB REVENUE AND USE OF RESOURCES Source: ATLAS XB Status report. Retrieved 13-May The increase in Staffing Costs was across all three categories, though to different degrees: IP (87%), GS (44%), NO (41%)
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 20 XB BALANCE Source: ATLAS XB Status report. Retrieved 13-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 21 AGENCY SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT Source: ATLAS XB Status report. Retrieved 13-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 22 XB STATUS REPORT Source: ATLAS XB Status report. Retrieved 13-May-2016.
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 24 PARTNER FEEDBACK Y-ON-Y: Source: Partnership Feedback. Graphs shows Share of Positive. Note that aspects A.a through D. refer to different comparable questions across years. Number of respondents per year: 2009 = 11; 2012 = 43; 2015 = 22. Graph shows Share of Positive (Strongly agree, agree). Positive trend of feedback across years for most dimensions. Exceptions: contribution to gender, poverty eradication and DRR.
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 25 PARTNER FEEDBACK Y-ON-Y: 2015 Source: Partnership Feedback. Graphs shows Share of Positive. Note that aspects A.a through D. refer to different comparable questions across years. Number of respondents per year: 2009 = 11; 2012 = 43; 2015 = 22. Graph shows Share of Positive (Strongly agree, agree).
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 26 PARTNER FEEDBACK Y-ON-Y: 2012 Source: Partnership Feedback. Graph shows Share of Positive. Note that aspects A.a through D. refer to different comparable questions across years. Number of respondents per year: 2009 = 11; 2012 = 43; 2015 = 22. Graph shows Share of Positive (Strongly agree, agree).
Horizon Scan | Mongolia 27 PARTNER FEEDBACK Y-ON-Y: 2009 Source: Partnership Feedback. Graph shows Share of Positive. Note that aspects A.a through D. refer to different comparable questions across years. Number of respondents per year: 2009 = 11; 2012 = 43; 2015 = 22. Graph shows Share of Positive (Strongly agree, agree).
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