JAWS and MAGic An overview with Google Docs/Office 365 Eric Damery, Jan Bloem Freedom Scientific
Overview Google Docs / Office 365 Preparation Access files Using Google Docs / OneDrive /WordOnline Integration with PC and mobile devices Getting online help
GoogleDocs Preparations for GoogleDocs Using latest Mozilla Firefox with Gmail account Enable screenreader mode with CTRL+ALT+Z and enable Braille support Access files via GoogleDrive Open GoogleDrive Navigation in the GoogleDrive app Open and create files Setup sharing
GoogleDocs Using GoogleDocs Navigation in the GoogleDocs app Accessing the menus Editing a text document Integration with PC and mobile devices GoogleDrive on your PC and tablet Google apps on your Android and IOS devices
Office 365 Preparations for Office365 Using Internet Explorer 11 with Windows live account Access your files on OneDrive Open OneDrive app Navigation in the OneDrive app Open and create files Setup sharing
Office 365 Using OneDrive online Open OneDrive in Internet Explorer Navigation on the OneDrive page Open and create files Setup sharing Using WordOnline Navigation in the WordOnline app Accessing the menus Editing a text document
Office 365 Integration with PC and mobile devices OneDrive on your PC and tablet Office apps on your Android and IOS devices
Getting online help Freedom Scientific Online free webinars GoogleDocs Alt+/ for find feature Ctrl+/ to get all available key strokes Getting started manuals and YouTube videos Office 365 Key strokes and Help links