Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Update on SGI issues EPSU Executive Committee 9 June,
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! 1. The launch of the EPSU campaign for public services 2. The launch of the European Parliament (EP) response to the European Commission’s White Paper on SGI 3. The discussions between ETUC and CEEP to draft a proposed framework on Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI) (document appended). 4. The publication of the European Commission’s communication on social services of general interest (SSGI) (EPSU analysis appended). 5. The initiative of the Party of European Socialists to draft a framework directive on SGEI (document appended) 6. Statement from the European Social Forum (ESF) in Athens on public services (document appended)
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Structure of presentation Requested Action from EC Outline of other developments Timetable June – December 2006
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EC is requested to: endorse the EPSU response to the SSGI communication (point 4) give its support to the ETUC/CEEP initiative on the draft SGEI legal framework (point 3) note the statement on public services by the ESF in Athens (point 6)
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section One Calls for horizontal framework Critical of sectoral approach Member States have different ways of organising sector(s)
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section Two Definition of Social Services is narrow – only social care and support services For Commission: – Statutory and Complementary social security schemes – Other essential services provided directly to the person
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section Two continued: No reference to: –those social services not provided directly, e.g; social research, community services Explicit exclusion of: – education and healthcare services EPSU proposes wider list –
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section Three: Characteristics of SSGI – Commission says ‘often have one or more’ Emphasis is on ‘charity’ element No recognition that social services serve the general public
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section four: No link with health care and ‘holistic’ approach Section Five: Subsidiarity not recognised in meaningful way
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section Six: Modernisation only through: – decentralisation – outsourcing – public-private partnerships
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! EPSU analysis of the European Commission Communication on social services of general interest (appendix 2) Section Seven: Consultation process based on on aligning social services with market rules Conclusions: framework directive Action: distribute to EP (ECON and EMPL committees) + Commission
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! the EC is requested to give its support to the ETUC/CEEP initiative on the draft SGEI legal framework (point 3) ETUC/ CEEP text is subject to discussion Will be finalised by September 2006 EC is requested to ask for clarifications EC is requested to give a general endorsement of the text as circulated (31 May draft)
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! The EC is requested to note the statement on public services by the ESF in Athens (point 6) The statement proposes to set up a European network in the defence and promotion of public services, and refers to the EPSU campaign as an example. To coordinate actions (trade unions: NGO’s) To meet on 27 th October Geneva
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Outline of other activities and events EPSU launched its campaign ‘quality public services – quality of life’, in Vienna on April The launch included coalition partners, CEEP (Caspar Einem) CEMR (Michael Haupl), Social Platform of NGOs (Anne-Sophie Parent) European Parliament (Ieke Van de Burg MEP) EPSU national co-ordinators were tasked with providing country reports and organising national actions
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Outline of other activities and events The launch of the EP response to the European Commission’s White Paper on SGI Draft report 16 May Bernhard Rapkay MEP (PES, DE) for ECON committee Draft opinions IMCO/ INTA/ INTR committees Schedule: – 14 June deadline for amendments – 20/21 debate in ECON – 11/12 July vote in ECON – 4/5 September vote in Plenary
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! The launch of the EP response to the European Commission’s White Paper on SGI continued Report calls for Commission to; – ‘come forward with an appropriate legal framework’ – however Paragraph 3 (page 5) is key – calls for a distinction between market services mainly financed by the user ( as SGEI) and non- market services financed by public funds (as SGI)
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! The launch of the EP response to the European Commission’s White Paper on SGI continued EPSU has submitted amendments (7 June) – most significant on Para 3 – “regarding all sgi irrespective of the method of funding, the primacy of principles of public service obligations over market regulations, prevails” EPSU has also submitted amendments to IMCO and INTA opinions
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Outline of other activities and events Initiative of the Party of European Socialists to draft a framework on SGI Launched proposal 30 May Outline of PES communication strategy attached Draft proposal open to amendments until September Consultation and co-ordination with partners However, support in PES is fragile
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Outline of other activities and events Confrontations and CELSIG CELSIG (NGO for SGI) has informal network working on draft directive – EPSU, CEEP, Eurocities, social platfrom observers Confrontations (French/ EU NGO) is planning a tour of 7 EU countries to ‘reconnect the EU with citizens’ based on role of public services in the EU
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Outline of other activities and events Commissioner Walstrom’s Plan D for Democracy Interparliamentary Forum (December, under Finnish Presidency) ECOSOC Committee of the Regions
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Timetable June – December June European Parliament ECON ammendments June EP ECON debate 22 June EPSU journalists’ network in EP 28 June 2006 PES seminar with National Parties June 29 PES Round table discussions 12 July EP ECON Vote
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Timetable June – December July EPSU national coordinators’ meeting July/ August preparation/ national action/ events 4-5 September EP Plenary Vote 19 September PES Group conference on the future of public services in collaboration with European organisations 19 October Confrontations Conference
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Timetable June – December October EPSU Gender Equality seminar 27 October Geneva ESF public forum meeting 24 November Berlin Confrontations December Interparliamentary Forum (tba) 4-5 December EPSU public service conference
EPSU Campaign Quality public services in Europe – quality of life! Conclusions June – September – focus on European Parliament – through national action/ events – focus on ‘swing votes’ October – December – focus on Commission – Consolidation of SGI draft texts