Social Welfare in THAILAND Office of the National Commission on Social Welfare Promotion, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
Sawasdee สวัสดี mean welfare
Social Welfare = Social Well-being (Wealth and Health)
Social Welfare Promotion Act, B.E (2003) and 2550 (2007) “social welfare” means the social services system pertaining to the prevention, remedy, development and promotion of social security in satisfaction of the basic minimum needs of the people to enable a good quality of life and self-reliance; being a system which is extensive, appropriate, fair and in accordance with standards in terms of education, health, housing, occupation and income, recreation, justice process and general social services by taking account of human dignity, the people’s entitlement to rights and participation in the provision of social welfare on every level;
The resolution of the National Commission on Social Welfare, 1/2010, January 22, 2010 Prime Minister as a chairman of the National Commission on Social Welfare, resolved to approve implementation policy of the National Commission on Social Welfare; 1. Contribute the welfare society in Thailand. 2. Aim that people will be provided the welfare for all in Focus on the government investment in social welfare and the investment for encouraging social section to participate in social welfare provision. 4. Develop four pillars on social welfare systems i.e. social assistance system, social insurance system, social service system and social promotion system. 5. Collaborate the relevant authorities to produce the implementation framework and budget support and addressed it in the public hearing in the seminar on policy assignment to Provincial Social Welfare Provision Committee and the outcomes will be submitted to the National Commission on Social Welfare to propose to the cabinet for further approval.
Thailand Reform : Develop Social Welfare System Capacities building, addressed in 11’st NESD Plan and 2’nd National Social Welfare Plan Implementing Periods Welfare for all > Roadmap : Social Welfare Reform in Thailand Through : Welfare Society and Develop Social Welfare System Target : Welfare for all by the year 2017
4’th pillar Social Promotion Promote, giving and philanthropy, donation, the role of volunteers, civil society, corporate social responsibility, social enterprise, family, religious, local organization. Develop tax system and fund allocation to social welfare system. 3’rd pillar Social Services There is a constitution and law to support basic welfare rights for people. Monitor the law for welfare rights for people to be a practical one. and publicize the welfare rights and accessibility to public. 15years Free for compulsory education (12 mil.) Health Security Fund (48 mil.) Reduce the cost of living measures (free public bus, train and electricity) Free milk for primary Students /Old aged monthly allowance (6mil.)/cremation allowance for old aged (.09mil.) /Disabled monthly allowance (.8mil.) 2’nd pillar Social Insurance Private Insurance (10.3 mil.) Third party insurance Community Welfare Fund (coverage 10 % of population 6.6 mil.) Public officers pensions (2.72 mil.) Provident Fund (2 mil.) Farmer Welfare Fund National Saving Fund (20 mil.) Minimum wageFarmer Insurance Income Social Insurance Fund/Workmen’s Compensation Fund (9.4 mil.) Expand Social Insurance Fund coverage to self employed ( 24 mil.)/extend benefit rights to sqouse and children of the insurers (5.88 mil.) 1’st pillar Social Assistance There is social assistance provided for the needy as an individual or as a group. Howevre the relief can be met only in some area of needs and urgency. To develop social asssistance system by targeting the needy, help them to help themselves to meet the standard of living and use social worker professionals and case management for processing the system Thailand’s population mil. Employed (public officers) 2.72 mil. Employed 9.4 mil. Self-employed 24 mil. Non – economic mil.
Thailand fiscal year budget 2010 : 1,700,000 million baht Budget on Social Welfare : Community and Social Services 832,451.6 mb. (42.6 %) - education 419,233.2 mb. - health 169,633.2 mb. - social assistance and social insurance 151,449.7 mb. - housing and community 78,034.1mb. - culture recreation and religious 14,101.4 mb.
Thailand fiscal year budget 2011 : 2,070,000 million baht Budget on Social Welfare : Community and Social Services 843,976.2 mb. (40.7 %) - education 422,195.1 mb. - health 209,848.0 mb. - social assistance and social insurance 139,465.9 mb. - housing and community 45,611.5 mb. - culture recreation and religious 14,821.9 mb.
Budget on Social Welfare : Community and Social Services 2008 Mb Mb Mb Mb. Education364,634.2 (21.9) 419,233.2 (21.4) 402,891.5 (23.7) 422,195.1 (20.3) Health154,140.4 (9.2) 169,633.2 (8.7) 178,852.7(10. 5) 209,848.0(10.0) Social Security (social insurance social assistance) - social insurance - social assistance 115,086.4 (6.9) 94,734.7(5.7) 20,351.7(1.2) 151,449.7 (7.7) 131,595.8 (6.7) 19,853.9(1) 135,488.4 (7.9) 121,185.1 (7.2) 14,303.3(0.8) 139,465.9 (6.7) (6,2) 10,421.4(0.5) Housing and community 46,386.0(2.7)78,034.1(3.9)31,373.8(1.8)45,611.5(2.17) Culture and recreation13,729.6 (0.8)14,101.4(0.7)13,173.6(0.7)14,821.9(0.7) total639, , , ,976.2 Fiscal year budget1,660,00.01,951,700.01,700,000.02,070,000.0 Percentage of fiscal year budget
Welfare Options (Welfare for all in 2017) Welfare Options 1234 Child, Elderly and Disabled Welfare Excluding financial aids of the poor, the elderly and the disabled Including financial aids of the poor, the elderly and the disabled Students Lunch for all primary class students Living expense for poor student Increase education coverage and quality Expand the Non-Formal Education Expand the Informal Education Increase small sized school financial supports Increase ethnic minorities student number Increase the academic achievements Training for increasing the teacher qualities Raise the salary of high standard teacher Increase cost per unit support for public school Increase cost per unit support for private school
Welfare Options 1234 Labour On demand training Expand Code.40 in Social Security Law (Gov 1 worker 1) Expand Code.40 in Social Security Law (Gov 2 worker 1) Health Thai people 100% Stateless person and Ethnic Minorities Migrant workers+Followers, Refugees Life Fulfillment Welfare Poverty Gap Poverty Gap (+25%) Housing (Baanmunkong Project)
Welfare Options 1234 Community Welfare Farmer Welfare Agricultural Price Supports Debt solutions for agriculturist Public Utility Price Supports ํ Youth Voluntary Fund Welfare Society and Social Promotion Fund The budget for publicizing the welfare society plan
Budget Estimate (Government Section) Budget (Million Baht) Tendency of previous budget estimate in social section 1,187,430 1,178,453 1,236,883 1,316,501 1,386,101 1,463,293 Welfare option 1 (addition) 199, , , , , ,060 Welfare option 2 (addition) 248, , , , , ,089 Welfare option 3 (addition) 193, , , , , ,375 Welfare option 4 (addition) 290, , , , , ,189 % GDP (Growth 4%, inflation 2.5 %) Previous budget + welfare option Previous budget + welfare option Previous budget + welfare option Previous budget + welfare option
% of GDP (growth 4%, inflation rate 2.5%)
VAT rate (or GST)
The Revenue after Tax Reform and The Expense of “Welfare for all” system (Preliminary estimates) VAT 7%-10% 200,000 mb. Expand the Personal Income Tax base50, ,000 mb. Repeal BOI100,000 mb. Decrease Corporate Income Tax rate to 20%-111,867 mb. Land and Building Tax (Net Rate)30,000-50,000 mb. Total (Net Rate) 280, ,000 mb. The additional expense of “welfare for all” system 144, ,000 mb.
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