1. Imagine this line is emblazoned throughout the halls of Lemon Bay: Welcome back to our Global Palace of Higher Education and path to our own Great Rebirth.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Imagine this line is emblazoned throughout the halls of Lemon Bay: Welcome back to our Global Palace of Higher Education and path to our own Great Rebirth. The above statement is certainly not an example of verbal irony in terms of Lemon Bay, but if the line were being verbally ironic, as Rand is being at times, what would be suggested about Lemon Bay’s education in the previous sentence?

Uncharted Forest 2) Where are we in the book now, and why is this setting significant? How is this setting symbolic (stands for something beyond its surface)? How is this setting also ironic? Explain your answer using evidence from the text.

3 List one Transgression, Crime, and/or Sin you would be committing daily if you lived in within Anthem’s society. Using the Dystopian Power Point, explain how making this action a transgression serves to support the goals of this society.

4) In Anthem, this place would be named what? Around when in a person’s life would someone expect to be living here? What would be a possible reason that this society would implement such a rule?

5) Excluding any name already used in Anthem, create a name for yourself that not only represents you, but would also be accepted by the World Council. Defend your answer.

6) What is Liberty trying to say here? What specifically is getting in the way of her clarity? “We are one…alone…and only…and we love you who are one…alone…and only.”

7 Using the text and the Dystopian Power Point, give three pieces of advice to Equality and Liberty about how to create a successful new society that would be an anthem to individualism.

8. Read these lyrics and explain how the lyrics relate to Anthem. Use the lyrics and the book to support your answer. “Another Brick in the The Wall “ (part 2)- Pink Floyd We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher leave them kids alone Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

9. In paragraph form, relate this illustration to Anthem using textual evidence and specifics from the picture.

10) What is the last word of the novella, and how does Rand give this word a symbolic edge?

11) Of whom is this an illustration, and how does he relate to Anthem? Explain why Rand would have made the choice to include an allusion to this mythical figure. Prometheus

12) In paragraph form, please make two connections between this quote and Anthem. Support your answers with textual evidence from both works. I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric YAWP over the roofs of the world. By Walt Whitman....

13) List two items left behind in the house from the Unmentionable Times. What does each item teach Equality?

14 ) This is a fantasy artist’s rendering of which character? How does this painting capture her character? Be specific, by using the text, please.