2 nd Grade, National Geographic
Create a foldable. Draw 3 examples.
Day-to-Day Changes – Pages 18-19
Brain Pop Jr. - The Sun
Changes in One Day – Pages How does weather affect our lives?
Day Changes to Night – Pages 22-23
Brain Pop Jr. – Seasons
The Four Seasons – Pages 24-27
Brain Pop Jr. – Winter Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about winter. Draw a picture of winter.
Brain Pop Jr. – Spring Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about spring. Draw a picture of spring.
Brain Pop Jr. – Summer Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about summer. Draw a picture of summer.
Brain Pop Jr. – Fall Science Notebooks: List at least 3 interesting facts about fall. Draw a picture of fall.
Brain Pop Jr. – Seasons Game