Technician’s list Argument planner Worksheet: Did we land on the moon? Phases of the moon scissors glue sticks 07:33
Syllabus/Unit Code: 2 I’m a Star Lesson number: 6 Lesson Title: Phases of the Moon Learning OutcomesHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 1: State that the phases of the Moon are caused by the different ways it is lit by the Sun. Level 5 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by ……………………… ………………… Learning Outcome 2: Describe how the phases of the moon are caused in detail. Level 6 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by ……………………… ………………… Learning Outcome 3: Expand these ideas to explain how all of the objects in the solar system are illuminated and how this causes their appearance to vary when viewed from the Earth. Level 7 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by ……………………… ………………… Connector: Share some of the things you have heard said about the moon.
07:33 Extended Learning Read the Article/Document “Did We Land on the Moon?”: In your book write your argument FOR and AGAINST this question. Give at least five reasons/justifications for each side of the argument. Due date: next lesson Report Criteria Level 5: 3-4 arguments for or against Level 6 : five arguments for and five for against Level 7 : level 6 + Clear and logical structure in presenting the arguments. May include pictures/diagrams which have been referenced
07:33 BIG picture What skills will you be developing this lesson? Scientific Investigation skills- by Research and Collecting Secondary data, Planning and Collecting primary data, Analysis and Evaluation. Numeracy- by using formulae in calculations Literacy- by writing well structured sentences and paragraphs ICT- by using Laptops and electronic resources Personal skills- team work, leadership Thinking and Learning skills- organisation, logic, participation, memory, exploration, creativity, judgement, planning, practice. Reflection- through self or peer assessment of each Learning Outcome Key Question: Quick Discussion: What do you already know? How is this lesson relevant to every day life?
07:33 Keywords: Phases Rotation Axis Illuminated Superstition Beliefs Here are some of the words we will be using this lesson… 1) Create sentences which use the keywords correctly. 2) Put your hand up if there is any key word from the list that you don’t know the meaning of.
07:33 New Information for Learning Outcome 1 Explore and Discover: Visual: Describing diagrams showing the phases of the moon. Audio: Discussing the evidences of the phases of the moon. Kinaesthetic: Manipulation of the Earth Moon model
New Information for Task 1 The Sun and the Moon look about the same size from Earth, but they are not. The Sun is about 400 times wider than the Moon but is 400 times further away! The Moon takes just over 27 days to orbit the Earth. sunlight
New Information for Task 1 The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. Gravitational forces between the Moon and the Earth keep the Moon in orbit. The Moon is not a luminous object, so it does not make its own light. Instead, it reflects light from the Sun which, like the other stars, is a luminous object. As it orbits, we see different amounts of the Moon, so we see different phases of the Moon. we can only see the part of the Moon that reflects the Sun's light. How much of that we can see depends upon the position of the Moon in its orbit.
Appearance: How much of the moon we see depends on where the moon is in its orbit:
Appearance: How much of the moon we see depends on where the moon is in its orbit:
New Information for Task 1 sunlight These are called the phases of the Moon These are the views of the Moon from Earth.
07:33 Learning Activities for Outcome 1 Task 1: Draw a diagram to describe the phases of the moon. Use your diagram to explain how each phase of the moon is formed. Make sure to include the role of the sun in your answer.
New Information for Task 1
07:33 Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 1 Keywords: Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level.
07:33 Learning Outcome 1: Review Learning OutcomeHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 1: Phases of the moon Level 5 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by …………………… …………………… Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
07:33 New Information for Learning Outcome 2 Explore and Discover: Visual: Observing the slides pictures Audio: Discussion on how the phases of the moon happen Kinaesthetic: Diagramming and writing the description of the phases of the moon.
07:33 Learning Activities for Outcome 2 a)Follow the instructions on the moon phase sheet. b)Answer the questions below and use this to annotate the sheet. 1.The Moon does not produce its own light - how can we see it? 2.How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth? 3.Why do we always see the same side of the Moon? 4.Why do we only see a full Moon once a month? 5.What is a new Moon? 6.What force keeps the Moon in orbit around the Earth? 7.Why is there very little atmosphere on the Moon?
07:33 Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 2 Keywords: Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level.
07:33 Learning Outcome 2: Review Learning OutcomeHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 2: Detailed explanation of the phases of the moon. Level 6 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by …………………… …………………… Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
07:33 New Information for Learning Outcome 3 Explore and Discover: Visual: watching the video Audio: listening to the video Kinaesthetic: writing the activity
07:33 Learning Activities for Outcome 3 Images of the Earth observed from the moon: _en- GBGB383GB384&biw=1153&bih=718&tbm=isch&sa=1 &q=the+earth+from+the+moon&btnG=Search&oq=the +earth+from+the+moon&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_sm=s &gs_upl=12141l13750l0l16391l8l8l0l6l6l0l234l422l0.1. 1l2l0http:// _en- GBGB383GB384&biw=1153&bih=718&tbm=isch&sa=1 &q=the+earth+from+the+moon&btnG=Search&oq=the +earth+from+the+moon&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&gs_sm=s &gs_upl=12141l13750l0l16391l8l8l0l6l6l0l234l422l0.1. 1l2l0 Video showing how all the objects in the solar system appear on Earth if they were the same distance as our moon:
07:33 Learning Activities for Outcome 3 Task3: Write your answer in your book. Use complete sentences and the key words. Based on how you see the images of the phases of the moon, and understanding how the sun illuminates each of the planets, explain: How the appearance of each of the planets vary based on: 1.Its size 2.Its distance from the Sun 3.The amount of light it receives from the Sun
07:33 Create Evaluate Analyse Apply Understand Remember Apply (L5) Use Build Execute Develop Construct Identify Plan Select Solve Organise Apply Model Understand (L4) Explain what when where how Rephrase Demonstrate Summarise Contrast Show Predict Compare Clarify Illustrate Categorise Remember (L3) Who What When Where Why Which How Match Define List Choose Name Spell Tell Describe Analyse (L6) Take apart Compare Classify Examine List Distinguish Simplify Theme Conclude Motive Discover Evaluate (L7) Judge Justify Defend Decide Agree Value Prove Check Criticise Recommend Support Test Create (L8) Combine construct Develop Imagine Design Change Improve Discuss Create Invent Suppose Put together Make up Synthesise Demonstrate your Learning for Outcome 3 Keywords: Which task(s) will you choose to complete? Try to target a level higher than your current level.
07:33 Learning Outcome 3: Review Learning OutcomesHow I didTargets Learning Outcome 3: Variation in the appearance of the planets. Level 7 I am working at level.....because I can move up to level…... by …………………… …………………… Go back to your Learning Outcome grid and fill out the ‘How I did’ and the ‘Targets’ column.
07:33 Review Stand up if you have developed some skills this lesson? What are they? Tell the person next to you three things you have learnt this lesson. Write a paragraph on what you think it would be like to live in the moon. What would be a day like in the moon. ( use scientific facts to describe the daily routine) Is there any part of the lesson you think you need to go over again next lesson? How will you remember what you have learned today for your exam?