ELECTRONIC SKIN BME 281 Section 2 October 10, 2015 Greggory D’Ambrosca
Functionalities of Real Skin Skin is the largest organ in the human body. It serves many purposes Pressure sensing Temperature sensing First line of protection of the human body Heals itself Stretchable Adaptable
Electronic Skin Thin electronic materials used to try and replicate the real human skin Electronic skin could: Be able to sense force, and temperature Be able to grasp items and detect friction and slipping levels. Sense vibrations Manipulate objects
Purpose of Electronic Skin One of the biggest reasons for developing electronic skin is so it can be used along with prosthetic limbs to bring a sense of feeling back to the user with the lost limb.
Beginning Stages In 2013, a team had announced that they developed a pressure sensitive e-skin Lit up different colors by using led’s when pressure was detected Lit up brighter as the amount of pressure rose
Making the Electronic Skin The most important aspect of the e-skin besides the electric components is its durability. Piezoelectric polymer films of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) Mechanical flexibility High sensitivity Ability to detect contact Low cost Durable
The Structure
Methods of Function Continuum Mechanics Good for force applied Machine learning techniques For more complex jobs Identifying different textures
Just like Real Skin The goal of e-skin is to get it to be just like real human skin In order to do this, scientists need a dedicated embedded electronic system This would allow for the e-skin to do everything actual skin can
E-skin starts with the sensor array Gathers all information and sends it to SVD on embedded electronics SVD on embedded electronics Has to process data array at 10 bits per second Sent to central brain for recognition of what is going on
Recourses Pinna L, Valle M. Charge Amplifier Design Methodology for PVDF-Based Tactile Sensors. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 2013;22(8):DOI: /S Dahiya RS, Metta G, Cannata G, Valle M. Special Issue on Robotic Sense of Touch. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 2011;27(3):1-ff Gastaldo P, Pinna L, Seminara L, Valle M, Zunino R. A Tensor-Based Pattern-Recognition Framework for the Interpretation of Touch Modality in Artificial Skin Systems. IEEE Sensors Journal, Special Issue on Material- Integrated Sensing 2014;14(7): Strumpen V, Hoffmann H, Agarwal A. A Stream Algorithm for the SVD. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Technical MemoMIT-LCS-TM-641, October 22, Andrews HC, Patterson CL. Singular value decompositions and digital image processing. IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 1976;ASSP-24:26-53 Electronic skin on prosthetic limb. Digital image. Stretchable silicon Nanoribbon Electronics for Skin Prosthesis. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct < "Electronic Skin." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 10 Oct < LED Pressure sensitive e-skin. Digital image. University of California, Berkeley Developed OLED Electronic Skin. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct <