THE BIG INTERVIEW NICOLE AURINGER EDU650: Teaching Learning and Leading in the 21st Century Instructor: Jackie Kyger July 21, 2014
EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY I believe that the classroom is a place for children and teachers to learn simultaneously. An Individualized curriculum and a classroom build on collaboration will foster stronger educational memories. Giving kids control of their own environment by offering an individualized curriculum based on the strengths and weaknesses of the students can promote a more collaborative and successful classroom
EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN An Effective classroom management plan begins with a solid set of goals for where you want your students to go and what path you are going to take to get them there Once you know what goals to meet, it is important to look at how to best set up the classroom to foster your goals. I believe the first day should be used to suit down with students and set up classroom rules and clear expectations I also like to give each student a tour of the classroom and explain to them how I expect each area to flow throughout the day Once kids have a clear set of guidelines and expectations they will be able to claim ownership over their space and hold each other accountable.
TEACHER CENTERED CLASSROOM MODEL 1. “Teacher assumes primary responsibility for communicating knowledge to students” (Newman, 2013). 2. Teacher creates and enforces classroom rules 3. Rewards are offered for good behavior and consequences for poor behavior 4. Rule changes are made by teacher
STUDENT CENTERED CLASSROOM MODEL 1.Students actively make decisions in the classroom 2. Students have a say in the rules that are set and are involved when rules change 3. Students focus more on learning conflict resolution skills 4. Although rewards still exist student are expected to work on problem solving skills when problem behavior arises
MY PREFERRED CLASSROOM MODEL Because I believe that education is collaborative, I think that the student directed classroom is the best way to go. In order to students to feel like their classroom is theirs I believe they should have a say in what happens and what is expected. I also feel like the student centered classroom teaches more 21 st century skills and forces kids to learn how to interact positively with each other.
THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN DESIGNING AN EFFECTIVE LESSON PLAN… Researching and gathering knowledge from many different sources about the way you are designing your lesson plans is very important. The more you know, the better you will be able to plan solid lessons that will keep your students interested and involved. What are your learning objectives? Having a clear goal in mind will help you keep your lesson plans on track. “Clarity, completeness, and specificity are needed to drive the rest of the lesson plan design.” (Newman, 2013).
IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES WHEN DESIGNING A LESSON PLAN Good Learning objectives are critical to planning effective instruction because it keeps the class moving on target. Students know what to expect and teachers have a clear idea of how the lesson should go without any distractions. A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER: “learning objectives should NOT be describing what the teacher is doing or saying”… “The teacher will distribute grammar worksheets to students to learn about the parts of speech," is not a viable learning objective. "The student will write 10 words that belong to each part of speech in English," is a better learning objective.” (Newman, 2013).
MY THOUGHTS ABOUT ASSESSMENT Assessments are something all teachers should incorporate throughout their curriculum so that they know when a skill has been mastered and the students are ready to move on or where they might need more focus. Both formative and summative assessments are necessary Formative assessments are most important because they offer an insight into where the curriculum might need to go based on the needs of the students. They also offer a perspective of where each student is and where the teacher should start in order to make sure the curriculum is building on the knowledge that the students already have Summative assessments are good for checking how well student are able to apply the knowledge they have learned to everyday scenarios.
STUDENTS PLAYING A ROLE IN THEIR OWN EDUCATION Students should have control over their own education as much as possible. They should be able to decide how creative they want to be when completing projects They should have the ability to set their own rules They should be offered the opportunity to work with groups of peers on a consistent basis so they are able to establish conflict resolutions skills, team building skills, leadership skills and learn how to effectively work collaboratively.
UTILIZING A PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY With how education is changing I think teachers need to know how to collaborate just as well as we expect the student to. With the push of 21 st century skills we are focusing more on social skills, the ability to work with others and collaborate effectively, on top of the basic mathematical or scientific facts its is important to create the same environment among teachers. The teachers I know and work with are an amazing resource when I need to see things from a different angle or need to take myself out of the equation. PLC’s can offer you fresh ideas for your curriculum, challenge you to come up with stronger lesson plans and set higher expectations for your students where applicable.
WHAT YOU WOULD FIND IN MY CLASSROOM! When someone walks into my classroom I want them to see… a group of students who are engaged with each other in a positive way Students who aren’t afraid of being creative Students helping their peers through social situations in a positive way Students who know what to expect and hold each other accountable for the actions And… A classroom that appears generally cooperative, happy, engaged and excited to see what is coming next! After all, learning is fun and exciting!
REFERENCES: Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Connecting the Dots. Bridgepoint Education, Inc.