4.2 A Model for Accelerated Motion
Chapter Objectives Calculate acceleration from the change in speed and the change in time. Give an example of motion with constant acceleration. Determine acceleration from the slope of the speed versus time graph. Calculate time, distance, acceleration, or speed when given three of the four values. Solve two-step accelerated motion problems. Calculate height, speed, or time of flight in free fall problems. Explain how air resistance makes objects of different masses fall with different accelerations.
Chapter Vocabulary acceleration acceleration due to gravity (g) air resistance constant acceleration delta (Δ) free fall initial speed m/s 2 term terminal velocity time of flight uniform acceleration
Inv 4.2 Accelerated Motion Investigation Key Question: How does acceleration relate to velocity?
4.2 A Model for Accelerated Motion To get a formula for solve for the speed of an accelerating object, we can rearrange the experimental formula we had for acceleration.
4.2 The speed of an accelerating object In physics, a piece of an equation is called a term. One term of the formula is the object’s starting speed, or its initial velocity (v 0 ) The other term is the amount the velocity changes due to acceleration.
1.You are asked for speed. 2.You are given initial speed, acceleration and time. 3.Use the relationship v = v 0 + at 4.Substitute values v = 2 m/s + (0.75 m/s 2 )(10 s) v = 9.5 m/s 2 Calculating speed A ball rolls at 2 m/s off a level surface and down a ramp. The ramp creates an acceleration of 0.75 m/s 2. Calculate the speed of the ball 10 s after it rolls down the ramp.
4.2 Distance traveled in accelerated motion The distance traveled by an accelerating object can be found by looking at the speed versus time graph. The graph shows a ball that started with an initial speed of 1 m/s and after one second its speed has increased.
4.2 Distance traveled in accelerated motion The area of the shaded rectangle is the initial speed v 0 multiplied by the time t, or v 0 t. The second term is the area of the shaded triangle.
4.2 A Model for Accelerated Motion It is possible that a moving object may not start at the origin. Let x 0 be the starting position. The distance an object moves is equal to its change in position (x – x 0 ).
1.You are asked for distance. 2.You are given initial speed and acceleration. Assume an initial position of 0 and a final speed of 0. 3.Use the relationship v = v 0 + at and x = x 0 + v 0 t + 1/2at 2 4.At the highest point the speed of the ball must be zero. Substitute values to solve for time, then use time to calculate distance. 0 = 2 m/s + (- 0.5 m/s 2 )(t) = - 2 m/s = m/s 2 (t) t = 4 s x = (0) + (2 m/s) ( 4 s) + (0.5) (-0.5 m/s 2 ) (4 s) 2 = 4 meters Calculating position from speed and acceleration The angle of the ramp creates an acceleration of m/s 2. What distance up the ramp does the ball travel before it turns around and rolls back? A ball traveling at 2 m/s rolls up a ramp.
4.2 Solving motion problems with acceleration Many practical problems involving accelerated motion have more than one step. List variables Cancel terms that are zero. Speed is zero when it starts from rest. Speed is zero when it reaches highest point Use another formula to find the missing piece of information.
1.You are asked to find the length of the ramp. 2.You are given v 0 = 0, v = 2 m/s at t = 1 s, t = 3 s at the bottom of the ramp, and you may assume x 0 = 0. 3.After canceling terms with zeros, v = at and x = ½ at 2 4.This is a two-step problem. First, calculate acceleration, then you can use the position formula to find the length of the ramp. a = v ÷ t = (2 m/s ) ÷ (1 s ) = 2 m/s 2 x = ½ at 2 = (0.5)(2 m/s )(3 s ) 2 = 9 meters Calculating position from time and speed After one second, the speed of the ball is 2 m/s. How long does the ramp need to be so that the ball can roll for 3 seconds before reaching the end? A ball starts to roll down a ramp with zero initial speed.
1.You are asked to find the time and speed. 2.You are given v 0 = 0, x = 440 m, and a = 6 m/s 2 ; assume x 0 = 0. 3.Use v = v 0 + at and x = x 0 + v 0 t + ½ at 2 4.Since x 0 and v 0 = 0, the equation reduces to x = ½at 2 440 m = (0.5)(6 m/s 2 ) (t) 2 t 2 = 440 ÷ 3 = s t = 12.1 s Calculating time from distance and acceleration A car at rest accelerates at 6 m/s 2. How long does it take to travel 440 meters, or about a quarter-mile, and how fast is the car going at the end?