This course is designed to facilitate personal and professional success!!! Instructor: Leticia Apolinaris
Professor Leticia Apolinaris Who is she and where is she from? What brought her to KU? What is unique about her? Questions for YOU! Where are you from? What brings you to KU? What is unique about you?
At any time during the term, if you experience any technical problems, contact Kaplan Tech Support at
This course will focus on many important skills that will help you to SUCCEED in all of your Kaplan courses: Communication, time and stress management, study skills, learning styles, reading and note-taking strategies, effective writing, research, critical thinking, networking and even career planning!
Know what to expect Know what will be expected of you Know how to get to where you want to go
tab (located across the top of your main course page). Instructor’s “Virtual Office" area (located in Course Home). Course Announcements & Updates AOL Instant Messenger “AIM” – Office Hours
AOL Instant Messenger "AIM" OFFICE HOURS: Monday Evenings: 7:00 pm–8:00 pm, EST Friday Evenings: 7:00 pm–8:00 pm, EST INSTRUCTOR’S AIM NAME: lapolinarissmsw If you are not an AIM Member you can download the free service by visiting the following site:
– Are you aware that you have an account with Kaplan? Have you checked it? Be sure to check it regularly as I use all the time to keep you informed. What’s your KU address?
Ongoing communication is extremely important in this course! Why do you think I believe this?
Seminars Reading Assignments Discussions Writing Assignments Quizzes Online Assessments Web Field Trips
Seminars are a critical component of this class – please attend as many live sessions as you can in order to reap the benefits of live interaction with your instructor and classmates. Many of my former students tell me that the live seminars were one of the most valuable components of the course – see what YOU think! If you cannot join us for a live session, you may complete the Alternative Seminar Assignment for the week. You will also be able to listen to the recorded version of each live seminar.
All course readings are built into the individual course units. Select the “Reading” icon to access each course reading. There is no textbook for this course. You will complete online quizzes in Units 5 and 6. You will complete several online assessments throughout the term. Web Field Trips – You will be visiting different websites as you complete course readings and attend course discussions and seminars.
The Discussion Board is considered the HEART of the class and is where most of your learning will take place- -it is worth 40% of your total course grade! The Discussion Board is like the classroom where we share experiences and discuss our ideas about the topics of the week. 40% = 405 points out of a total of 1000!!! WOW!
Make sure to meet the three-post requirement by posting a minimum of THREE substantial comments/responses in EACH discussion topic. Make sure to meet the three-day requirement by posting on a minimum of THREE different days during the time scheduled for the unit. For example, you might post on Wednesday, Friday and Monday. IMPORTANT: Each week, your response to the main discussion question must be made by Saturday evening. Plan ahead!!!
POST #1: Respond thoughtfully and thoroughly to the main discussion question each week (aim for approximately 100 words). Carefully address ALL items listed in the main discussion question. POSTS #2 & #3: Review and comment thoughtfully on your classmates’ postings and/or your instructor’s comments or questions. Plan to post a minimum of TWO additional comments in each weekly forum (aim for a minimum of 50 words each).
Please make sure to carefully PROOFREAD each posting and use Spell Check. Use complete sentences, correct punctuation and capitalization. Avoid slang and abbreviations. Read each entry out loud to check for clarity and completeness. SHOW us that you are putting serious thought and effort into each posting.
Make sure to carefully follow all guidelines listed for each writing assignment. Use the required templates! Carefully proofread and Spell Check your written work. Quality counts!! IMPORTANT: There is a grading rubric for your course writing assignments included in the syllabus. The rubric outlines exactly what you must do in order to earn maximum points on your weekly writing assignments.
On each assignment template, you will be asked to include your course section. You will find the course section listed in your course syllabus. What is your course section? Section: ________________
You will find the assignment rubric in your syllabus There are no extra credit possibilities in this course. How to use the assignment rubric: - Your grade is determined by 3 categories 1. 50% Content, Focus, Use of Text/Research 2. 30% Analysis and Critical Thinking 3. 20% Writing style, grammar and APA format when assigned
Assignments are due on the last day of each unit (at midnight). WHERE is the assignment located? Turn your assignment in on time. Late assignments penalties: First week (1-7 days) -12 pts. (20%) Second week (8-14 days) -18 pts. (30%) No work will be accepted more than two weeks after the due date! Manage your time and stay engaged in your learning! You will love this course!
The “NQA” coupon allows each of you to submit one course project assignment (excluding the Unit 10 Writing Assignment) one week late with no late penalty.
Course Navigation Tutorial Dropbox Guide Gradebook Guide Library (link) Online Communications Guide Plagiarism and Citing Sources Seminar Guide Writing Center Access (link) Writing Types & Tools
This is where you place your assignments. You MUST use Microsoft Office Word for Windows You MUST use the template provided under the assignment link in each unit. NAME YOUR DOCUMENT Before you put your document into the dropbox you must save it to your computer. You must save it with this format: YourName-Unit1-ScavengerHunt.doc
This is where you should go every week to check on your progress. Remember you need to know where you stand at all times. Keep your eyes wide open; monitor your grades. Contact me if you see any discrepancies! How will you be able to see the comments your instructor writes in your grade book and on your papers?
Discussion Board and Assignment grades will be updated each week no later than Sunday following the close of the unit. Late submissions will be graded no later than one week following the date of submission. Make sure to send an to let your instructor know the late submission has been uploaded to the Dropbox.
– Virtual Office – anytime/anywhere AIM – lapolinarissmsw Phone Conference: Arranged by Appointments Your Prof. is always ready for a chat! If you invest in your course, you will stay engaged and “feel” the greatest power of learning.
Get to know your professor Navigate all over your classroom Create your own To-Do list I. Attend the Unit 1 Seminar II. Complete the Unit 1 Reading III. Respond to the Unit 1 Discussion (2 Parts) *Attend at least 3 times/days- initial post by Saturday! IV. Complete the Unit 1 Scavenger Hunt Assignment TIP: Start to look at the upcoming unit before it actually begins!
Responsibility Self-motivation Self-management Curiosity Independence Interdependence Self Awareness Emotional Intelligence
Be willing to LEARN a few new things and maybe to think in different ways sometimes. "Listen" carefully to what is being said in our course readings, discussions and seminars. Read all course information carefully and conscientiously! EXPAND your thinking and your outlook!