Find the directives and circle them (specific directional words) Draw an arrow to the action (who or what) List the complete directive/s that need to be accomplished to address the prompt This helps you decipher what the assignment is asking you to do.
Choose a Thinking Map Brainstorm your writing The more ideas/information you have to choose from will greatly improve your writing. This helps you focus and organize your writing Think AZ Merit Writing Rubric
Choose your main focus areas for your writing from your thinking map Create a working thesis statement Expository (Informative/Explanatory) Topic + Importance/Relevance + Details/Specifics= Thesis Statement Argument: Topic + Belief + Reasons= Thesis Statement
Purpose 1 st person? Can I use “I”? 2 nd person? Instructional implying “You” 3 rd person? Is it to inform or explain? Is it to argue a claim? What perspective am I writing in? My own or some other authoritative position.
Who is my intended audience? What group, people, or particular individual? Who am I writing to? Formal/Casual = Language needed to convey message How does this change my tone?
What format am I writing in? Argument? Narrative? Letter? Instructional or Explanatory? Informative? How does this change my planning?
Define my clear topic and make that the focus. What am I writing about? Do not go…