Can This Get Me A Job After College? Sean Basso, Assistant Director Jon Janis, Sport Clubs Coordinator Mario Riles, Intramural Coordinator
HERE TO GET A JOB! Average Student Debt: ~$30,000 Trending in Higher Education Campus Recreation = Student Leadership Experiences Leadership experience are preferred by employers.
Survey Population Former Sport Clubs Officers (SCO) 2003 – 2015 N = 504 Completed Surveys: 125 Response Rate: 27% Former Intramurals Managers (IMM) 2006 – 2015 N = 55 Completed Surveys: 34 Response Rate: 63%
Former Positions SCOIMM
Time Removed SCOIMM
Current Job Titles SCO Chief of Staff, Yale (Former President) Second Lt US Airforce (Former Treasurer) Senior Engineer (Former Vice President) Attorney (Former President) Architect (Former Treasurer) Police Officer (Former Treasurer) Registered Nurse (Former Other - Captain) 91 more… IMM Assistant Director of Event Mngt. Civil Engineer Attorney Regional Operations Manager Physician Substance Abuse Counselor Warehouse manager 23 more…
“Do you consider your current job title to be a leadership position?” SCOIMM
“I've listed the position as a SCO/IMM on my current professional resume to highlight my leadership experience.” SCOIMM
“I've used examples from my leadership experience as a SCO/IMM for RecSports during a formal job interview.” SCOIMM
“The leadership experience gained as a SCO/IMM for RecSports helped me obtain my current position.” SCOIMM
“The leadership experience gained as a SCO/IMM for RecSports has helped me be successful in my current position.” SCOIMM
Please describe how your leadership experience as a SCO/IMM prepared you to be successful after you graduated? IMMSCO
What additional leadership experiences offered as a SCO/IMM would have been beneficial to you after you graduated? IMM SCO
Closing the Loop Future Officer Recruitment & Development; Manager Training Annual Report for Division of Student Life Presentation at TIRSA State Workshop Advance Assessment Benchmark within Student Affairs Greek Officers vs. SCOs Resident Advisors vs. IMMs Benchmark within Campus Recreation (SEC) Publish in RSJ (Recreational Sports Journal)
"My leadership experiences as an intramural manager were invaluable to my post-graduate opportunities. I was able to learn how to direct and organize people, develop strong time management skills, take on real responsibility where I was the point person on projects, and develop strong interpersonal skills. Working with a multitude of people in a leadership role prepared me for my first job out of college. It also provided experiences that I used in my formal interview process for graduate school." Noticeable Quotes
"(Being a Sport Club Officer) provides you a real life opportunity to have to make decisions on what's best for the club or organization and not necessarily individuals. Often times this process weeds out people who want to be in a leadership role vs who should be in a leadership role. The results of the club should speak for itself." Noticeable Quotes
“I loved every second of it, even the frustrating moments. Wouldn't hesitate to encourage anyone to take charge in helping themselves and others get the most out of one of their passions. From an administrative perspective, nurture your leaders. Empathy and a genuine desire to help the officers (students) grow into their roles will go farther than anything else you could do.” Noticeable Quotes
Questions & Thank you!