Technology: A Tool for Digging Deeper Into Content Knowledge Tammy Seneca, Ph.D. West Baton Rouge Parish Schools Region 2 Mini-LACUE Conference February 8, 2014
We are asking for more cognitive demand from our students… The kind and level of thinking required of students to successfully engage with and solve a task. The kind and level of thinking required of students to successfully engage with and solve a task. Ways in which students interact with content. Ways in which students interact with content.
What is Depth of Knowledge ?
What is the difference between Bloom’s and Webb? Bloom’s Taxonomy –What type of thinking (verbs) is needed to complete a task? Webb’s Depth of Knowledge –How deeply do you have to understand the content to successfully interact with it? How complex is the content? Webb’s Depth of Knowledge –How deeply do you have to understand the content to successfully interact with it? How complex is the content?
Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) and Bloom’s Cognitive Process Dimensions (2005) Knowledge—Define, duplicate, label, list, name, order, recognize, relate, recall Remember—Retrieve knowledge from long-term memory, recognize, recall, locate, identify Comprehension—Classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate recognize, report, review, select, translate Understand—Construct meaning, clarify, paraphrase, represent, translate, illustrate, give examples, classify, categorize, summarize, generalize, predict… Application—Apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, practice, write Apply—Carry out or use a procedure in a given situation; carry out or use/apply to an unfamiliar task Analysis—Analyze, appraise, explain, calculate, categorize, compare, criticize discriminate, examine Analyze—Break into constituent parts, determine how parts relate Synthesis—Rearrange, assemble, collect, compose, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, write Evaluate—Make judgments based on criteria, check, detect inconsistencies/fallacies, critique Evaluation—Appraise, argue, assess, choose, compare, defend, estimate, explain, judge, predict, rate, core, select, support, value Create—Put elements together to form a coherent whole, reorganize elements into new patterns/structures
“A mile wide and an inch deep” What does DOK focus on? Focuses on complexity of content standards in order to successfully complete an assessment or task. The outcome (product) is the focus of the depth of understanding.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge(DOK) cs/CommonCoreLibrary/Professi onalLearning/DOK/default.htm
DOK: Level 1 Suggested Activities: Develop a concept map showing a progress or describing a topic Make a timeline Cut out, or draw a picture that illustrates an event, process, or story Make a cartoon strip showing the sequence of an event, process, or story Write and perform… Write a brief outline and explain the event, process, or story Write a summary report of an event Prepare flow charts that illustrates the sequence of events Basic measurement tasks that involve one step (i.e. using a ruler to measure length) Locating information in maps, charts, tables, graphs, and drawings
DOK: Level Graph & Calculate Quizzes & Flash Cards Drill and Practice Timelines Manipulatives Blogs & Wikis
DOK: Level 1 Lesson Idea: Caught in the Crowd Pixton
DOK: Level 1 Lesson Idea: Calling Dr.Bones Voki
DOK: Level 2 Suggested Activities: Construct a model to demonstrate how it looks or works Make a diorama to illustrate an event Write a diary/blog entry Make a scrapbook about the area of study Make a topographic map Make up a puzzle or game about the topic Make a model… More complex calculation tasks (i.e. multi-step calculations such as standard deviation) Research projects and writing activities that involve locating, collecting, organizing and displaying information (i.e. writing a report with the purpose to inform; meeting all steps of the writing process) Measurement tasks that occur over a period of time and involve aggregating/ organizing the data collected into basic presentation forms such as a simple table or graph.
DOK: Level Mind Mapping Graphic Organizers Online Outlines Digital Books Create a Game Digital Story Telling Research Tools
DOK: Level 2 Lesson Idea: Glogster Ripped From the Headlines
DOK: Level 2 Lesson Ideas: Digital Books Louisiana Encyclopedia Frogs A to Z
DOK: Level 3 Suggested Activities: Use a Venn Diagram that shows how two topics are the same and different Design a questionnaire to gather information Survey classmates/industry members to find out what they think about a particular topics Make a flow chart to show the critical stages Prepare a report about an area of study Write a letter to the editor after evaluating a product Make a booklet about five rules you see as important. Convince others. Write a letter to … advertising on changes needed Explaining and/or working with abstract terms and concepts Complex calculation problems presented that draw upon multiple processes Creating graphs, tables and charts where students must reason through and organize the information with instructor prompts. Identifying a research question and/or designing investigations to answer a question
DOK: Level 3 Infographics Surveys Fake Social Networking Publishing Mashups
DOK: Level 3 Lesson Idea: Take Me Out the Ballgame
DOK: Level 3 Lesson Idea: From Slavery to Civil Rights
DOK: Level 3 Lesson Idea: Dr. Seuss Goes to War Voice Thread
DOK: Level 3 Lesson Idea: Conquistadors are Coming QR Codes
DOK: Level 4 Suggested Activities: Writing and/or research tasks that involve formulating and testing hypotheses over time Creating graphs, tables, and charts where students must reason through and organize the information without instructor prompts Develop a menu for a new restaurant using a variety of healthy foods Sell an idea Write a jingle to advertise a new product
DOK: Level Website Development Video cast Programming (Make a Movie)
DOK: Level 4 Lesson Idea: Museum of Ancient River Civilizations Prezi
DOK: Level 4 Lesson Idea: People In Time QR Codes & Video
DOK: Level 4 Lesson Idea: The Great Depression Poetry Voice Thread
DOK: Level 4 Weebly Lesson Idea: Student Research Projects creating website creating website
Digging Deeper The Hot Zone
Resources Webb, Norman L. and others. “Web Alignment Tool”, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Guide,