JSC «Samarqand Avtotexxizmat» HISTORY OF CREATION The company was established in With the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan started the process of economic transformation and decentralization of enterprises in all sectors of the economy, which resulted in Camarkandskoe specialized enterprise "Repair Shop" has been transformed into an Open Joint Stock Company Territorial Samarkand "Avtotehhizmat." On the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on privatization, demonopolization and development of competition on April 13, 1998 №263 Open Joint Stock Company Territorial Samarkand "Avtotehhizmat" transformed into Open Joint Stock Company "Samarkand Avtotehhizmat." Pursuant to the Law "On joint-stock companies and protection of shareholder rights" of May 6, 2014 № ZRU - 370, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of g. Open joint-stock bschestvo "Samarkand Avtotehhizmat" renamed the Joint Stock Company «SAMARQAND AVTOTEXXIZMAT». LOCATION The Republic of Uzbekistan, , Samarkand region, Samarkand city, str Spitamen Schoch, 157. The structural unit of JSC «Samarqand Avtotexxizmat» - Head of SRT-1 - Uzbekistan, Samarkand street Spitamen Mr. Schoch Car dealer №1 - the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Schoch Spitamen Samarkand street Fil-1 - Uzbekistan, Samarkand district Movorounnahr 3 - Phil 2 - Uzbekistan, Samarkand street Rudaki Phil 3 - Uzbekistan, Samarkand region Motrid to \ k. - Phil Registan - the Republic of Uzbekistan, Mr. Samarkand street Kushhovuz 117a.
Shareholder information 1) LLC "Avtosanoat Invest" % 2) JSC AO " uzavtotehhizmat" % 3) Physical shareholders % BUSINESS SERVICES The main activity of the Joint Stock Company is a warranty and car maintenance. Dealer services on the implementation of the production cars of "GM Uzbekistan« and additionally - tourist transport electric cars and bus. JSC «Samarqand Avtotehhizmat»
PRODUCTION CAPACITY Stock Company warranty and maintenance and repair within thousand cars a year, of which 94% of the cars produced by JSC "GM Uzbekistan". INFRASTRUCTURE Structural units: There is a showroom, 4 station maintenance cars and 2 garages. The total area is 2.2 hectares JSC «Samarqand Avtotexxizmat»
DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The main activity of the Joint Stock Company is a warranty and car maintenance. Dealer services on the implementation of the production cars of "GM Uzbekistan" and additionally - tourist transport electric cars and bus. OTHER ACTIVITIES Presale cars; Warranty repair of domestic cars; After-sales maintenance and repair of cars; The implementation of spare parts for cars Repair and installation of HBO JSC «Samarqand Avtotexxizmat»
DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The main activity of the Joint Stock Company is a warranty and car maintenance. Dealer services on the implementation of the production cars of "GM Uzbekistan" and additionally - tourist transport electric cars and bus. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Showroom area 936 sq.m, with a waiting room for customers, a large, covered warehouses for storage of vehicles. Great location on the map. JSC «Samarqand Avtotehhizmat»
Economic indicators of JSC "Samarqand Avtotexxizmat" Years VAT (НСО) (thousands sum)
Экономические показатели АО "Samarqand Avtotexxizmat" Years Gross income (thousands sum) Economic indicators of JSC "Samarqand Avtotexxizmat"
ASSETS FOR IMPLEMENTATION Issue of additional ordinary registered shares in the amount of 235,205 pieces, including for the implementation of foreign investors 15% After registration of the additional issue with the assistance of independent valuation of the company will be determined by the market value of shares. JSC «Samarqand Avtotexxizmat»
CONTACTS The Republic of Uzbekistan, , Samarkand region, Samarkand, street Spitamenshox 157. Tel: 0 (366) Fax: 0 (366) Website: JSC «Samarqand Avtoteххizmat»