NROTC Chicago Area Consortium Sexual Assault QRG LT Alexander White SAPR POC Updated: 19 Jan 2016
NROTC Chicago Area Consortium Table of Contents If you are a(n) ________,Please read slides _______. IIT MIDN not on summer training3, 4, 5, and 15 UIC MIDN not on summer training3, 6, 7, and 16 NU MIDN not on summer training3, 8, 9, and 17 LUC MIDN not on summer training3, 10, 11, and 18 Activated MIDN3 and 12 Dependent of an Active Duty member3 and 13
NROTC Chicago Area Consortium Reporting is a CHOICE A victim is never REQUIRED to report an incident to anyone. It is their choice to do so. If there is any doubt as to what you should do, call the DOD Safe Hotline: (847) If you aren’t sure who to call for reporting or for resources, call someone and they will get you what you need.
START Sexual Incident Contact a Student Health Counselor at the Student Health and Wellness Center (312) DO YOU WISH YOUR DISCUSSION TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL OR PRIVATE? END DO YOU WISH TO PRESS CRIMINAL CHARGES? Contact the IIT Title IX Coordinator (312) Contact the IIT Director of Community Standards via the Office of Student Affairs (312) Contact the IIT Public Safety Department (312) Contact the Chicago Police Department 911 (Emergency) (312) Contact a Student Health Counselor at the Student Health and Wellness Center (312) CONFIDENTIAL PRIVATE YES NO INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT NOTE ON RAPE KITS: Rape kits can be done at any area hospital. The hospital closest to IIT is Mercy Hospital: 2525 S Michigan Ave (312) IIT Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student DO YOU WISH TO PURSUE IIT JUDICIAL SANCTIONS? YES NO
START Sexual Incident Refers student to Student Health Counselor at the Student Health and Wellness Center (312) SAPR POC ASKS: DOES THE VICTIM WISH THE EVENT TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL? END SAPR POC Notifies NSTC SJA (847) CDO: (847) Victim follows first “No” branch of chart on Slide 4. YES NO USN Action: IIT Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student NSTC Staff sends OPREP-3 OPREP-3 updates sent every 30 days until resolved Victim completes follow-on actions from slide 4, as desired.
START Sexual Incident Contact Campus Advocacy Network. All interaction is confidential. (312) END DO YOU WISH TO PRESS CRIMINAL CHARGES? Contact the UIC Title IX Coordinator. Determines if violation of Sexual Misconduct Policy occurred. (312) Contact the office of the Dean of Students. Appoints panel trained in Student Code of Conduct. (312) Contact UIC Police Department 911 (Emergency) (312) Contact Student Counseling Services, or another service recommended by Campus Advocacy Network (312) YES NO IMPORTANT NOTE ON RAPE KITS: UIC does not do rape kits. Rape kits can be done at any area hospital. The hospital closest to UIC is UIC Hospital: 1740 W Taylor St. (312) UIC Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student Begin full criminal investigation Judicial proceedings until resolved. Hearings before panel. Panel determines sanctions based on violation. DO YOU WISH TO PURSUE UIC JUDICIAL SANCTIONS? Conduct rape kit, if desired, at local hospital ER. NO DO YOU WANT COUNSELING SERVICES? YES NO YES
START Sexual Assault Victim follows entire chart on Slide 6. SAPR POC ASKS: DOES THE VICTIM WISH THE EVENT TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL? END SAPR POC Notifies NSTC SJA (847) CDO: (847) Victim follows entire chart on Slide 6. YES NO NSTC Staff sends OPREP-3 OPREP-3 updates sent every 30 days until resolved USN Action: UIC Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student
START Sexual Incident Contact NU CARE Center (Confidential Advocacy) (847) END DO YOU WISH TO PRESS CRIMINAL CHARGES? Contact the NU Title IX Coordinator via EthicsPoint report or by phone. (312) Contact NU Police Department 911 (Emergency) (847) Contact CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services, or another service recommended by CARE Center (847) H: (847) YES NO IMPORTANT NOTE ON RAPE KITS: NU does not do rape kits. Rape kits can be done at any area hospital. The hospital closest to NU is Northshore Medical Group: 909 Davis St. Evanston, IL (847) NU Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student Begin full criminal investigation Judicial proceedings until resolved. Judicial Proceedings until resolved. DO YOU WISH TO PURSUE NU JUDICIAL SANCTIONS? Conduct rape kit, if desired, at local hospital ER. NO DO YOU WANT COUNSELING SERVICES? YES NO YES Investigation.
START Sexual Assault Victim follows entire chart on Slide 8. SAPR POC ASKS: DOES THE VICTIM WISH THE EVENT TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL? END SAPR POC Notifies NSTC SJA (847) CDO: (847) Victim follows entire chart on Slide 8. YES NO NSTC Staff sends OPREP-3 OPREP-3 updates sent every 30 days until resolved USN Action: NU Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student
START Sexual Incident Contact LUC Wellness Center (Confidential Advocacy) (773) END DO YOU WISH TO PRESS CRIMINAL CHARGES? Complete Ethics Report. Will be pushed to office of Title IX Coordinator. (855) Contact LUC Police Department 911 (Emergency) (847) Use counseling services at Wellness Center, or another service recommended by Wellness Center (773) YES NO IMPORTANT NOTE ON RAPE KITS: LUC does not do rape kits. Rape kits can be done at any area hospital. The hospital closest to LUC is Methodist Hospital of Chicago: 5025 N. Paulina St. Chicago, IL (773) LUC Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student Begin full criminal investigation Judicial proceedings until resolved. Judicial Proceedings until resolved. DO YOU WISH TO PURSUE LUC JUDICIAL SANCTIONS? Conduct rape kit, if desired, at local hospital ER. NO DO YOU WANT COUNSELING SERVICES? YES NO YES Investigation.
START Sexual Assault Victim follows entire chart on Slide 10. SAPR POC ASKS: DOES THE VICTIM WISH THE EVENT TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL? END SAPR POC Notifies NSTC SJA (847) CDO: (847) Victim follows entire chart on Slide 10. YES NO NSTC Staff sends OPREP-3 OPREP-3 updates sent every 30 days until resolved USN Action: LUC Reserve MIDN is victim of Reserve MIDN or another Student
START Sexual Incident Assigned Unit CO Notified SAPR VA ASKS: DOES THE VICTIM WISH THE REPORT TO BE RESTRICTED OR UNRESTRICTED? END YES AD MIDN is victim of AD Member Information taken. If victim desires, can be used at later time to file unrestricted report. Victim goes to to the SAPR VA for the unit to which they are assigned. Restricted Assigned unit CO notified only that an incident occurred. DOES THE VICTIM WISH TO CONDUCT A RAPE KIT? NO Conduct USN Rape Kit. Stored for 5 years. Unrestricted Victim and Offender CO’s Notified DOES THE VICTIM WISH TO CONDUCT A RAPE KIT? Conduct USN Rape Kit. Stored for 5 years. YES NO NCIS notified and begins investigation. Judicial proceedings begin IAW UCMJ Assigned unit sends OPREP-3. Update every 30 days until resolved.
START Sexual Incident Sponsor’s CO Notified DOES THE VICTIM WISH THE REPORT TO BE RESTRICTED OR UNRESTRICTED? END YES Victim is a dependent of an AD Member Information taken. If victim desires, can be used at later time to file unrestricted report. Victim contacts the SAPR VA at their sponsor’s unit OR the nearest SAPR VA. Restricted Sponsor’s CO notified only that an incident occurred. DOES THE VICTIM WISH TO CONDUCT A RAPE KIT? NO Conduct USN Rape Kit. Stored for 5 years. Unrestricted DOES THE VICTIM WISH TO CONDUCT A RAPE KIT? Conduct USN Rape Kit. Stored for 5 years. YES NO Relevant law enforcement notified. Investigation started Sponsor’s unit sends OPREP-3. Update every 30 days until resolved. Judicial proceedings until resolved Victim contact appropriate school counseling resource from slides 4, 6, 8 or 10.
NROTC Chicago Area Consortium IIT Information IIT Policy and Procedures: print/sexual-harassment print/sexual-harassment Student Health and Wellness Center: (312) – Provides confidential counseling and other health services – Gives you the information necessary to pursue other action, if desired Director of Community Standards: (312) – Judicial Director at Office of Residence and Greek Life – Reports to the Office of Student Affairs – Determines IIT judicial sanctions (fine, suspension, expulsion, etc.) – Informs Title IX Coordinator of proceedings, if necessary Title IX Coordinator: (312) , – Member of IIT Legal Office – Ensures compliance with Title IX requirements – Keeps statistics Public Safety Department: (312) – Best for harassment incidents, but can also be used for assault/threat of assault Chicago Police Department: 911 (Emergency), (312) – Better for assault/threat of assault
NROTC Chicago Area Consortium UIC Information Policy and Procedures:
NROTC Chicago Area Consortium NU Information Policy and Procedures: EthicsPoint: (866) , – For all reporting (to NU acadecmic/judicial authorities) CARE: Center for Awareness, Response, and Education: (847) , – Provides support, advocacy, and education to students CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Service: (847) /8100, – Provides counseling services to faculty, students, and staff of any gender Office of the University Chaplain: (847) , – Provides spiritual counseling and advice to members o the University community Title IX Coordinator: (847)
NROTC Chicago Area Consortium LUC Information Coordinated Community Response Team: Loyola Sexual Assault Advocacy Line: (773) – Confidential support provided by qualified Rape Victim Advocates – Open 0800 – 1600 when school is in session Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline: (888) – 24 hour support LUC Wellness Center: (773) – Essentially a one-stop organization for many resources Campus Ministry: (773) – Spiritual dimension of healing from sexual assault Title IX Coordinator: (312) EthicsLine: (855) , – For reporting all grievances