City of Sausalito FY Budget Community Development Department
Who we are and what we do Planning and Building Divisions The Planning Division implements the City’s zoning and land use requirements, processes applications for discretionary planning permits for development projects, and undertakes the preparation of advanced planning projects such as plans and ordinances. The Planning ivision provides staff support for the Planning Commission, Historical Landmarks Board, and the City Council. The Building Division ensures private and public construction projects comply with the California Construction Codes, providing plan check, inspection, and building permit services. The Department also conducts Code Enforcement to enforce the City's development and use regulations and to ensure compliance with permits.
Who we are and what we do 7 FTE (Full-time employees) Community Development Director 3 Planning staff members 1 Building Inspector 1 Permit Technician 1 Administrative Aide CSG – Contract Plan Check and Inspection Services: Building Official Other technical expertise – code enforcement, geotechnical (soils), building code interpretation, ADA accessibility, construction management, application of green building code. The Building Division issues over 700 building permits a year, and the Planning Division processes over 50 discretionary review applications that come before the Historic Landmarks Board and the Planning Commission at open public meetings.
Strategic Plan Status Update Marinship Specific Plan (MSP) Steering Committee Strategic Assessment Analysis Report (2015) – included infrastructure analysis and recommendation to update the MSP in conjunction with a General Plan Update; circulation element a top priority. Marinship Historic District; Historic Register Nomination Ongoing study - historic evaluation of marine shipways (rails) conducted (2015); direction for HLB to explore design methods to preserve shipways and consider historic designation of shipways office buildings. Machine Shop Restoration and Preservation Designated local historic register; historic consultant retained; staff working with Dept of Veteran Affairs on restoration and future development of building (2015 and ongoing) Other Historic Preservation programs Currently updating Ordinance – Historic Preservation Regulations; Noteworthy Structures Survey/Citywide Historic Resources Inventory; Future - Mills Act Program, Downtown Historic District National Register Nomination
Strategic Plan Status Update Update Design Review Regulations for Commercial and Industrial Projects Completed. Update Formula Retail Regulations to clarify and remove ambiguous wording Ongoing study; meetings with BAC; to meet with Legislative Committee for direction.
Changes to Services and Structure Major Projects: General Plan Update – Held task force meetings and updated the City Council Task Force recommends holistic General Plan Update Distribute RFQ to seek pool of prospective General Plan consultant; Use this explore innovative, effective, and cost-efficient ways to update the Sausalito General Plan. Implementation of Permit Tracking Software Concurrent plan check review Less paper Transparency Improve efficiency and streamlines process Address Short Term Rental Regulations Pro-active code enforcement Adopt Regulations?
Efficiency Improvements/ Streamlining Activities Staffing: Achieved goal of being fully staffed Maintain consistency to carry out rules and regulations Improve project processing timeframes Public Counter Reservation System Tuesdays and Alternate Fridays Time slot reservations in 20-minute intervals Minimizes long waits Over-the-counter permits Consultations Future efficiencies: Implementation of Permit Tracking Software
Staffing PositionFY Adopted FY Proposed FY Proposed Administrative Aide I110 CDD Director111 Associate Planner111 Assistant Planner211 Senior Planner011 Building Inspector111 Permit Technician112 TOTAL Community Development Department777
FY Budget Proposal PlanningFY Adopted FY Proposed FY Proposed Salaries 361, , ,174 Benefits 138, , ,801 Professional Services 118,400 40,000 Operations 9,500 13,500 Other Services 13,300 12,600 13,600 Supplies 14,000 13,500 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FFE) Transfers 8,609 8,870 9,313 TOTAL $ 663, , ,888
FY Budget Proposal BuildingFY Adopted FY Proposed FY Proposed Salaries 236, , ,328 Benefits 74,098 87,082 94,566 Professional Services 135, , ,000 Operations 750 1,200 Other Services 2,000 2,250 Supplies 2,900 2,200 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FFE) Transfers 7,637 9,060 9,474 TOTAL $ 459,218$ 504,066$ 544,018 TOTAL Community Development $ 1,122,998 $ 1,081,773 $ 1,148,906
Danny Castro Community Development Director City of Sausalito (415)