LECTURE CONTRACT By the end of this lecture, you will be able to: Identify and describe each of the seven characteristic in the model of SHRD process proposed by Rothwell and Kazanas (1994)
A Model of SHRD Process Clarify the Purpose of the HRD Effort Assess Present Conditions Scan the External Environment Compare Present SWOT Choose a Long Term Organizational Strategy for HRD Implement Organizational Strategy for HRD Evaluate HRD 7 Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
Clarify the Purpose of the HRD Effort A Model of SHRD Process Characteristic 1: Clarify the Purpose of the HRD Effort (3 STEPS) Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
1) CLARIFY THE PURPOSE OF HRD EFFORT Ask questions Formulate the purpose statement Change the purpose statement
HRD activities vs Learners’ Needs Organisation philosophy on HRD QUESTIONS TO ASK… Future HRD activities vs Learners’ Needs Line Managers HRD Dept Present Whose responsibility? QUESTIONS Inside the org. What Purpose Learners Organisation philosophy on HRD Outside the org. Info on learners? Present Future
1 Break down the formal purpose statement of the organization into components pertaining to organization’s business, major areas of service, customers served, etc 2 Construct draft of HRD effort based on that of the organization. 3 Guidelines What should be the role of HRD effort in the organization? How should HRD effort meet learning needs of each stakeholder group? How should HRD effort help the organization compete against others? 4 Circulate for comments to key stakeholders and revise 5 Communicate statement to others through new employee orientation, training brochures, etc STEP 2
STEP 3 Do not meet learners’ needs Change in strategic business plan When to change purpose statement Do not meet learners’ needs Not favoured by people Change in strategic business plan Major new HR initiatives New top management team New and unexpected external demands from external environment STEP 3
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Definition: The process of specifying present but general gaps between what people should know or do and what they actually know or do. Pinpoints needs (weaknesses) as well as significant talents, skills or competencies (strengths).
TYPES OF NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Instructional needs: The problem is caused by a lack of knowledge or skill Two types: microtraining (change in individual) and macrotraining (change in the organization) needs Noninstructional needs: The problem is caused by something other than a lack of knowledge or skill and requires action other than training, education and development
Organization analysis INSTRUCTIONAL NEEDS Organization analysis Operation or work analysis Individual analysis Source: Moore & Dutton (1978)
SOURCES OF INFO FOR ORGANIZATION ANALYSIS Organizational goals and objectives Manpower inventory Skills inventory Organizational climate indices Exit interviews
SOURCES OF INFO FOR OPERATION OR WORK ANALYSIS Job descriptions Performance standards Observe job Review literature concerning the job Training committees
SOURCES OF INFO FOR INDIVIDUAL ANALYSIS Performance data Observations Interviews/questionnaires
STEPS IN COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT Identify learners to be served by the HRD effort over time. Who are learners and prospective learners? Where are they located? How many are there? How can learners be reached? How intense is their motivation to learn? When are they most interested in learning? Classify learners into broad ‘market segments’ Compare actual to desired knowledge and skills at present for each market segment of learners. Identify present learning needs for each market and market segment of learners.
Scan the External Environment A Model of SHRD Process Characteristic 3: Scan the External Environment 7 Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
Environmental Scanning Environmental scanning for HRD is the process of monitoring trends, issues, problems, or events which may create future learning needs as a result of environmental changes.
Characteristic 4: Compare Present SWOT A Model of SHRD Process Characteristic 4: Compare Present SWOT 7 Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
Future learning needs vs present HRD efforts (GAP)
Choose a Long Term Organizational Strategy for HRD A Model of SHRD Process Characteristic 5: Choose a Long Term Organizational Strategy for HRD 7 Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
Choosing Organizational Strategy for HRD Organizational strategy for HRD – comprehensive, general instructional plan which supports achievement of strategic business plans and HR plans A unified learning plan that integrates HRD functions (OD, nonemployee development, employee development, employee education and employee training)
The Process of Selecting Organizational Strategy for HRD Find problems (see Figure below) Formulate problems Identify a way to look at the problems Consider possible solutions Choose organizational strategy for HRD
Figure : Relationships to consider in choosing organizational strategy for HRD
Choosing Organizational Strategy for HRD Growing Increasing HRD activities Retrenching Decreasing HRD activities Diversifying Changing learners served, instructional methods used, etc Integrating Establish closer ties to other functions in the organization Turning around Retrench and pursue another organizational strategy for HRD Combining Pursue 2 or more strategies at the same time
Implement Organizational Strategy for HRD A Model of SHRD Process Characteristic 6: Implement Organizational Strategy for HRD 7 MAKING CHANGES Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
Implementing Organizational Strategy for HRD Establish operational objectives for HRD effort Review and revise HRD policies Examine leadership in the corporation or business Review the structure of the organization, HRD department, and learning experiences sponsored by the organization Review reward systems Budget for resources to implement strategy Communicate about organizational strategy for HRD Develop HRD functional strategies
Characteristic 7: Evaluate HRD A Model of SHRD Process Characteristic 7: Evaluate HRD WH - QUESTIONS Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
Evaluating HRD Who wants information from evaluation of HRD? Who will do the evaluating? When should evaluation be carried out? Why is evaluation necessary? How will evaluation be conducted? How will each of the HRD functional strategies be evaluated? OD Nonemployee development Employee development/ education Employee training The HRD effort as a whole
A Model of SHRD Process Clarify the Purpose of the HRD Effort Assess Present Conditions Scan the External Environment Compare Present SWOT Choose a Long Term Organizational Strategy for HRD Implement Organizational Strategy for HRD Evaluate HRD 7 Source: Rothwell & Kazanas (1994)
KEY ASSUMPTIONS OF SHRD: There should be an overall purpose statement for the corporation, and the HRD effort should be related to it (Nininger, 1982). Every major plan of the corporation should be weighed in terms of human skills available to implement it and alternative ways of obtaining those skills. People at all levels in the organization’s chain of command should share responsibility and accountability for HRD. There should be a formal, systematic and holistic planning process for the organization, HR department and HRD.
Relationship between HRD Effort Plan and Other HRD Plans Plan for HRD Effort (Organizational Strategy for HRD) Line Management Plans Organization Development Plans Nonemployee Development Plans Employee Development Plans Employee Education Training Plans HRD Department Plans
CONCLUSION The strongest commitment to a strategic approach to HRD in organization will arise from commitment by stakeholders to HRD. HRD efforts should be related to the achievement of business targets and corporate goals. Regular monitoring of the performance and environment of the business should identify any triggers indicating a need for HRD to become more strategic in its focus.
REFERENCES: Moore, M. & Dutton, P. (1978). Training needs analysis: Review and Technique. Academy of Management Journal, 3(3), 532-545. Nininger, J. (1982). Managing human resources: A strategic perspective. Ottawa, ONT: The Conference Board of Canada. Rothwell & Kazanas (1989). Strategic human resource development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall (main text). Rothwell & Kazanas (1994). Human resource development: A strategic approach. Massachusetts: Human Resource Development Press (main text). Note. The illustrations were taken from the above references and powerpoint slides (Robbins, S., & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.) New Jersey: Prentice Hall).