Alan Smith John Muir Award
Basic Leader Training
The John Muir Award …is an environmental Award scheme focused on wild places. It encourages the discovery and conservation of wild places, in a spirit of fun, adventure and exploration. It is non-competitive and open to all.
John Muir Award Aims Wild Places - awareness, responsibility, value wild places Personal development Encourage an environmental agenda in youth organisations Not exclusive Raise awareness of John Muir, John Muir Trust
John Muir Award Ethos Open & welcoming to all Non-competitive Focused on wild places Challenging & progressive Fun & adventure Opportunity to explore values & spirituality
John Muir Award & Your Involvement Acknowledge what organisations and individuals already do Encourage more activity & responsibility for wild places, & encourage holistic experiences Celebrate what’s achieved Involvement will …
Benefits to Participants Challenge and adventure Environmental awareness Practical knowledge & skills Shared experiences Take responsibility for change Teamwork skills Confidence Communication skills Material to include in c.v. & Record of Achievement A nationally-recognised certificate
Benefits to Organisations Promotes an environmental agenda Recognition for current outdoor/environmental activity A holistic approach Easy-to-use, adaptable structure Enhanced environmental awareness within organisation Progressive structure, maintains & develops involvement Flexible scheme for schools to deliver Curriculum activities Training opportunities A prestigious, nationally recognised Award scheme Use of John Muir Award logo Certificate of recognition
Discover a wild place (or places) Explore its wildness and natural characteristics Conserve - take some personal responsibility for it Share these experiences How does it work? 4 Challenges … These themes run through a programme of activity - not separate boxes to be ticked e.g. ‘today is Explore day’ Can be different places, linked with a theme e.g. journey, coastal…
3 Levels… Time guidance as a MINIMUM All 4 Challenges addressed at each Level Discovery level – 4 days or equivalent time commitment Explorer level – 8 days or equivalent time commitment Conserver level – 20 days or equivalent time commitment over a 6 month period
Summary of Criteria To gain a John Muir Award, at each Level participants must: Tackle all 4 Challenges – Discover, Explore, Conserve, Share Complete time commitment – minimum! Show enthusiasm and commitment Have an awareness of John Muir Work with an experienced ranger, teacher, environmentalist or youth worker
How do we take part in the John Muir Award…? Interest expressed Information sent out Award activity planned, Proposal Form completed Clarify & discuss, confirm Registration Request certificates Go Ahead! Complete Award, presentation
Ensuring Quality Proposal Form Main tool for ‘quality control’ Registers interest, outlines activity, encourages a planning process Enables Award staff to confirm that Criteria will be met Measures to support Award staff and Award Providers Award Provider Activities broadly as per Proposal Form Monitor enthusiasm and commitment Gauge that individuals meet Criteria, merit Certificate Dialogue with John Muir Award staff – pre-empt problems
Resources Information Handbook - Guidance on getting involved, background information PR material provided on request – John Muir Award, Summer Programme, Training, John Muir Trust Website Background, download documents, up-to-date info, news items Record Books - Record John Muir Award experiences Certificates - For all who complete each level Certificates of Recognition for Award Providers and Assessors
A day in the mountains is worth a cartload of books. John Muir