Slogan Quiz traditions/tv-and-culture/popular- commercial-slogans-quiz.htm traditions/tv-and-culture/popular- commercial-slogans-quiz.htm
Jingles all of a sudden, you hear a voice in your head singing "bah-da-ba-ba-bah, I'm lovin' it" over and over, and it won't go away. And now you're craving French fries. That's what a good jingle does; it gets in your head and won't leave.
A jingle is a radio or TV advertising slogan set to a (hopefully) memorable melody. Jingles are written explicitly about a product -- they can be original works designed to describe a product or service, or to help consumers remember information about a product.
Jingles are songs to help you remember the product They can also be an identifying sound, without words Slinky Empire Carpet NBC Tone
As long as the slogan is instantly catchy -- and hard to forget -- there's almost no limit to what advertisers can say in a jingle. It can be – a slogan – a phone number – optonline, MATTRES – a radio or TV station's call letters – a business's name or even the benefits of a certain product
10-advertising-jingles.htm 10-advertising-jingles.htm commercial-songs/ commercial-songs/