2016 Report Card Updates Marianne Mottley – Director Office of Accountability
Overview Page
10 measures Grades for 10 measures
Graded Measures 1)Indicators Met 2)Performance Index 3)Value-Added: Overall 4)Value-Added: Gifted Students 5)Value-Added: Lowest 20% 6)Value-Added: Students with Disabilities 7)Annual Measurable Objectives 8)4-Year Graduation Rate 9)5-Year Graduation Rate 10)K-3 Literacy
Report Card Components Achievement Performance Indicators Performance Index
Indicators Met Measure The Indicators Met Measure gives credit to schools and districts for students who score at least proficient on state tests.
Indicators Met Measure 35 Tests in Tests* in Gifted Indicator Total 36 Indicators – 2015 Total 32* Indicators Untested no effect on grades *Physical Science is phasing out
Indicators Established Indicators Exam2015 Indicators 2016 IndicatorsIndicators 2017 and Beyond Grade 10 OGT Math 80%No 2016 IndicatorNo 2017 Indicator Grade 10 OGT Reading 80%No 2016 IndicatorNo 2017 Indicator Grade 10 OGT Science 80%No 2016 IndicatorNo 2017 Indicator Grade 10 OGT Social Studies 80%No 2016 IndicatorNo 2017 Indicator Grade 10 OGT Writing 80%No 2016 IndicatorNo 2017 Indicator Grade 11 OGT Math 85% No 2017 Indicator Grade 11 OGT Reading 85% No 2017 Indicator Grade 11 OGT Science 85% No 2017 Indicator Grade 11 OGT Social Studies 85% No 2017 Indicator Grade 11 OGT Writing 85% No 2017 Indicator
Indicators Science and Social Studies Indicators Exam2015 Indicators2016 IndicatorsIndicators 2017 and Beyond Grade 4 Social Studies70%75%80% Grade 5 Science62%71%80% Grade 6 Social Studies56%68%80% Grade 8 Science60%70%80% Physical Science*63%72%80% BiologyN/A72%80% American History71%76%80% American Government67%74%80% *Physical Science is phasing out
Indicators Math and English Language Arts Indicators Exam2015 Indicators2016 Indicators Indicators 2017 and Beyond Grade 3 Math65%73%80% Grade 3 English Language Arts80%68%80% Grade 4 Math64%72%80% Grade 4 English Language Arts69%75%80% Grade 5 Math68%74%80% Grade 5 English Language Arts66%73%80% Grade 6 Math67%74%80% Grade 6 English Language Arts68%74%80% Grade 7 Math67%74%80% Grade 7 English Language Arts68%74%80% Grade 8 Math51%66%80% Grade 8 English Language Arts68%74%80%
2015 Report Card – Indicators Math and English Language Arts Indicators - HS Exam2015 Indicators2016 Indicators Indicators 2017 and Beyond Algebra 164%72%80% Geometry80% Integrated Math I60%70%80% Integrated Math II80% English Language Arts I73%77%80% English Language Arts II76%78%80%
Gifted Indicator Three pieces of data included Gifted Value-Added Gifted Performance Index Gifted Inputs (Identification and Service)
2015 Gifted Indicator Gifted Value-Added “C” or higher Gifted Performance Index Score of 115 or higher Gifted Input Points 40 points or more
2016 Gifted Indicator Gifted Value-Added “C” or higher Gifted PI Score of 116 or higher Gifted Input Points 60 points or more
2017 Gifted Indicator Gifted Value-Added “C” or higher Gifted PI Score of 117 or higher Gifted Input Points 80 points or more
Performance Index Performance Index measures the achievement of every student. Schools receive points for every achievement level, with more points earned for higher achievement.
Performance Index Per state law, at HS level, only ELA and math are included in the PI score Untested students are included in the calculation
Report Card Components Progress Value-Added Overall Gifted Students Progress with Lowest 20% Students with Disabilities
Value-Added The Value-added measures use test data from multiple years to determine if students made growth during the school year. Four categories: All Students, Gifted Students, Students with Disabilities, and Students in the Lowest 20% of Achievement
Progress Component All Students (Overall rating of a school or district using all accountable students) Gifted Students (Academic gifted or superior cognitive only) Students with Disabilities (All students who have an IEP and take the tests) Students in the Lowest 20 Percent of Achievement Statewide (Based on distribution of scores for the entire state)
Value-Added Same grades/subjects for 2015 included in graded measures High school data reported in 2015 Weighting Intra-Year Approach Untested growth is not measured
2015 Measure State Board Resolution on Value-Added For 2015 the four graded measures will use the same subjects and grades used in prior years Reading – Grades 4-8 Math – Grades 4-8
2016 Measure For 2016 the calculation will use: Reading – Grades 4-8 Math – Grades 4-8 Science 5 & 8 Social Studies 6* Algebra 1, Geometry Integrated Math 1 and 2 ELA 1 and 2* *Note 4 th grade social studies is not used, nor are high school science/social studies exams
Report Card Components Gap Closing Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) The AMO measure allows us to determine if achievement gaps exist among student subgroups by comparing the performance of specific groups of students against the collective performance of all students in Ohio.
AMO In flux because of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Adopted by Congress Replaces No Child Left Behind
AMO New AMOs proposed for reading and math Working on a new state plan to address gaps Untested not part of proficiency calculation but can demote the final grade
2016 AMO Targets Traditional districts and community schools (Using new state assessments) Reading – 74.2% Math – 68.5% Graduation – 82.8% Dropout Community Schools (Using OGTs) Reading – 87.9% Math – 84.5% Graduation – 82.8%
Report Card Components Graduation Rate 4 Year Graduation Rate 5 Year Graduation Rate
Graduation Rate Four-year Graduation Rate includes students who complete high school within four years of entering ninth grade. Five-year Rate includes students who complete high school within five years of entering ninth grade.
Graduation Rate No changes Same calculation used since 2010 Graduating classes of 2013 and 2014 are graded in 2015
Report Card Components K-3 Literacy K-3 Literacy Improvement
K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure The K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure looks at how well schools and districts are helping students read on grade level.
K-3 Literacy Improvement Measure Prior year’s (2014) average will be used to set grading scale Some untested students are included
K-3 Literacy Calculation Previous Year students that were not-on-track Of students who were not-on-track in Previous Year, which students are on- track in the Current Year Per-student demotion for every student not proficient on OAA and not on a plan
K-3 Literacy Measure K 25 Not On Track st 30 Not On Track 2 nd 20 Not On Track 1 st 15/25 On Track nd 25/30 On Track 3 rd 15/20 On Track 15 Not On Track 3 rd OAA 12/15 Pass OAA Kindergarten Improvement First Grade Improvement Second Grade Improvement Third Grade Improvement 3 rd AIR 5 Demotions No RIMP Failing Student Demotions
K-3 Literacy Calculation = 68.9%
2016 K-3 Literacy Calculation K-3 Literacy Score of 700 to be deemed ‘proficient’ for report card measure Third Grade Reading Guarantee Reading sub-score of 42 used for promotion to 4 th grade
K-3 Literacy Letter Grades Ohio law ties letter grades to the state average percentage of improvement** State average is bottom of “C” grade Range above state average divided in thirds for “A”, “B”, “C” grades Equal interval subtracted from state average for “D” **In 2014 the current year (i.e. 2014) average was used. For 2015 and beyond we will use the prior year’s average (i.e. – we will use 2014’s state average for 2015 and 2015’s average for 2016)
K-3 Literacy Calculation Ohio Law: No grade issued when fewer than five percent of students score ‘not on track’ on the Kindergarten diagnostic
K-3 Literacy Calculation Summer scores not included (data returned too late) Alternative test data not included (MAP, Terra Nova, Iowa) Retained students K-2 included in their second year Retained 3 rd graders not included in their second year
6 Components 10 Graded measures are combined to create 6 Component grades (2016) 1.Achievement 2.Progress 3.Gap Closing 4.Graduation 5.K-3 Literacy Improvement 6.Prepared for Success Components
Report Card Components Prepared for Success College Admission Test Dual Enrollment Industry Credentials Honors Diplomas Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate
Prepared for Success Measures how well a school or district is doing to prepare students for college and careers 6 ungraded measures that become a graded component
Prepared for Success In 2015 and beyond all data is reported in EMIS versus using outside data sources Denominator for each measure is the 4-year and 5-year cohort
Prepared for Success Reporting for 2015 Summary data on: Honors Diplomas Awarded Industry-Recognized Credentials SAT/ACT
Prepared for Success Reporting for 2015 Summary data on: College Credit Plus Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate
Prepared for Success Reporting 2014 report card data (2013 cohort) came from various sources EMIS College Board ACT IB Board of Regents 2015 data (2014 cohort) will come solely from what districts reported in EMIS
2016 Prepared for Success Component Grade By law the component is tied to the four-year and five-year graduation cohorts** Denominator of each graduation rate calculation is the denominator of Prep. For Success Component **ODE would like to change this to only tie the grade to the 4-year cohort
Component Framework 4-Year Cohort + 5-Year Cohort
Component Framework To be in the numerator a student must be remediation free, obtain an industry credential, or earn an Honors Diploma Any of these students who also have AP, IB, or post secondary credits will earn a bonus weight of 0.3 Remediation Free Honors Diploma Industry Credentials Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate Dual Enrollment A student must have one of these Bonus points if a student has one of these AND has one of the first three
Prepared for Success Component Grade Scale Scale increases in each year GradeRange A85% - 100% B65% % C34% % D15% % F0% %
Prepared for Success Component Grade Scale GradeRange A90% - 100% B70% % C45% % D25% % F0% %
Prepared for Success Component Grade Scale – 2018 & Beyond 2018 GradeRange A93% - 100%* B75% % C60% % D40% % F0% % *The percentage for the “A” range aligns to the four-year graduation rate
Combining Measures: Achievement Component The Achievement Component grade combines the Performance Index grade and the Indicators Met grade 75/25 with emphasis on Performance Index Points earned based on where in the grade range the measure falls (high, middle, low) Points combined with the weights to assign component grade
Combining Measures: Graduation Component The Graduation Component grade combines the 4-year and 5-year graduation rates grades. 60/40 with emphasis on the 4-year graduation rate Points earned based on where in the grade range the measure falls (high, middle, low) Points combined with the weights to assign component grade
Combining Measures: Progress Component The Progress Component grade combines the Overall Value-Added grade with the Gifted, Disabled, and Lowest 20% grades 55/45 with emphasis on Overall Value-added Points combined with the weights to assign component grade
Combining Measures: Gap Closing and K-3 Literacy These two components contain only one measure The measure grade is the component grade Points will be assigned (high, medium or low grade) to be used for the overall grade.
Combining Components into the Overall Grade (2018) Emphasize Progress and Achievement Achievement – 20% Progress – 20% Prepared for Success – 15% Gap Closing – 15% Graduation Rate – 15% K-3 Literacy Improvement – 15%
District Details Miscellaneous ungraded or “report only” measures including: Staff Data Teacher Average Salary Teacher/Principal Degrees Attained Teachers by Program Area Teacher Attendance Rate Chronic Absenteeism Rates School Options Data
District Details-New for 2015 Teacher and Principal Effectiveness Ratings Displayed (last year released as an Excel spreadsheet) This year displayed on the report cards ***Long-term goal to reorganize the details data into categories (staff, student, course, etc.)
Getting to this Point Interactive Report Card with 10 graded measures in 2013 High School Value-added Reported in Components Graded in 2016 Overall Grade in 2018 Safe Harbor from most consequences until 2018
Guide to Ohio School Report Cards
Ohio School Report Cards
Marianne Mottley Director of Accountability
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