Judaism - Year 4
Term 1: Words of Wisdom
Hillel the Elder Hillel (Hebrew: הלל) was born in Babylon about 110 BCE and died 10 CE in Jerusalem. He was a famous Jewish religious leader, and is one of the most important figures in Jewish history. He was a very wise man, and spent his life learning from the Torah.
Hillel lived in Jerusalem during the time of King Herod and the Roman Emperor Augustus. Like Moses, he is said to have lived 120 years. He was born in Babylon about 110 BCE. When he was forty, Hillel went to the land of Israel where he spent forty years studying. When he was eighty, Hillel was the spiritual head of the Jewish people. Hillel died about 10 CE.
Hillel said some very famous things. One of his sayings is called the ‘Golden Rule’: "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.”
Term 2: Prayer and Special Places
Shema The Shema is the central prayer in the Siddur (Jewish prayer book). When Jewish people are saying it, they cover their eyes with their right hands. Many Jewish people say it twice a day. Parts of the Shema is written on little scrolls and put in a mezuzah. Jewish buildings and houses of Jewish people have a mezuzah on the door frame.
Term 3: ceremonies
Bris Circumcision – for Jewish boys at the age of 8 days
Upsherin First haircut for Jewish boys, at the age of 3
Bat Mitzvah Ceremony for Jewish girls when they reach the age of 12
Bar Mitzvah Ceremony for Jewish boys at the age of 13