KEY TERMS Natural suffering - caused by nature e.g. hurricanes Man-made suffering – caused by actions of humans Free will – ability to choose or determine one’s own actions Just – fair or right Impersonal force – idea that evil is a power outside of people that draws them to evil Psychological phenomenon – an idea about the nature of evil that comes from the mind
WHO’S TO BLAME? Some may say God is to blame for natural suffering as he should be omnipotent and prevent it. Believers say some such as volcanoes and earthquakes are the same that formed the earth’s structure, so are required Some may say God is to blame for human suffering as God gave us free will. Believers reply by saying its part of our nature and we learn from our mistakes Some may say that suffering is necessary to keep us alive and well. Pain tells us something is wrong and prevents larger problems. It helps us appreciate what we take for granted, brings out the best in people, a test of faith/religion or just part of God’s plan that we can’t understand
BUDDHISM The 4 noble truths explain craving/desire causes suffering The 3 poisons (ignorance, greed and hatred) can lead to suffering In order to avoid suffering we must follow the eight fold path, which can overcome desire/craving
CHRISTIANITY Evidence that suffering is a punishment for sin is demonstrated in the creation story After Jesus went to be with God it gave people hope that death is not the end and they can still have a relationship with God ‘Love thy neighbour as yourself’ demonstrates God wants Christians to show compassion to those who suffer
HINDUISM/SIKHISM Suffering is a result of sinful or selfish actions even from a past life (Karma) In order to avoid future suffering you must build up good karma until you are released from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth In Hinduism it a duty to give and share with those in need In Sikhism there is sewa (selfless service) and langer (food) which is given to rich and poor, showing equality
ISLAM The Qur’an says that Allah gave Adam free will because he had trust in him. Since he abused his power of free will suffering exists People are given suffering to test their faith, but does not test people more than they can bear One of Allah’s 99 names is ‘The Compassionate’ and one of the 5 pillars of Islam requires you to give a percentage of your wealth to charity
JUDAISM Adam and Eve brought suffering after eating the forbidden fruit God gives suffering in order to discipline and train people The book of Job shows undeserved suffering Charity is a duty from God; it must be given with sensitivity so those in need maintain self-respect
EXPLANATIONS FOR EVIL Impersonal force - an outside force that is out of their control Personal being/devil – influences people to sin and often described as an enemy to mankind Physiological phenomenon – A persons upbringing, society or damaged mind. Friends, peers and the media lead you to thinking or doing things in a certain way
WHY DOES GOD ALLOW EVIL? Shows his benevolence by letting us choose our own fate and not be robots God is like a loving parent that wants us to learn from our mistakes Does not want to use his power in a controlling way, restricting freedom God doesn’t want evil but people go against God’s will. This however questions his omnipotence