By Lauren Goldenberg 5/23/11 Chapters 31 & 34 The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
- Functions of Nervous System and Neurons - Transmission of a Nerve Impulse Chapter 31.1 The Neuron
2 Functions: - Send and receive messages in the body. - Act in response to stimuli. - Stimuli: something that causes a response. Categorized into 2 Systems: -Central nervous System - Peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system consists of the nerves within brain and spinal cord. System of nerves that connects the central nervous system with the body. Consists of many neurons.
Neuron: - basic component of the nervous system. - A.K.A.: “nerve cell” - give off electrical signals /impulses. Many neurons form nerves.
Dendrite Cell body Myelin Sheath Axon Terminals
Motor Neurons: - Sends an impulse from the brain to the muscle or gland of the body. Sensory Neurons: - Impulse is detected by sense organ and sent to brain/spinal cord. Interneurons: - Neuron that connects sensory and motor neurons together.
A chemical signal travels down a neuron. Starting at the dendrite and cascading down the axon – An Axon is coated in an smooth layer called a “myelin sheath”. When it gets to the end of the axon, chemicals known as “neurotransmitters” are released. This process is repeated as signals jump from neuron to neuron.
- Learn about the functions of the central nervous system - Learn about how drugs and alcohol affect your brain’s health Chapter 31.2 The Central Nervous System
Consists of 2 parts: Brain Spinal Cord - Control center - Main connection between of the body. Nervous system and the - 3 Parts: brain. ~Cerebrum ~Cerebellum ~Brain stem
Addictive things such as cigarettes, drugs, or alcohol cause large release of dopamine. Lots of dopamine=High Dopamine is the neurotransmitter released due to pleasurable activities. Causes brain to reduce amount of dopamine to be released.
- Name all 5 sense organs and each of their sensory receptors - Sensory and motor division of the peripheral nervous system Chapter 31.4 The Senses
Sends electrical signals to central nervous system from sense organs Uses sensory receptors – Chemoreceptors – Photoreceptors – Mechanoreceptors – Thermoreceptors – Pain receptors
Taste Smell Hearing/balance Vision Touch
Exchanges impulses to muscles or glands from central nervous system. Somatic Nervous System: Aware of what’s happening Autonomic Nervous System: Involuntary
- Describe function of endocrine system - Be able to identify major organs and glands Chapters 34.1 and 34.2 The Endocrine System
Function- produce hormones to control certain body actions. What is a hormone? ~ A hormone is a chemical messenger
A gland is a organ that makes a substance and releases it for necessary needs throughout the body. 2 types: ~Endocrine: Gland that releases fluids directly into bloodstream. Ex: pancreas. ~Exocrine: Gland that externally releases fluids. Ex: Sweat glands.
-Pituitary Gland: In command of other glands. -Pineal Gland: controls sleep and wake sequence, as well as other, everyday functions. -Hypothalamus: controls discharge of the pituitary gland, and is the link between nervous and endocrine systems.
Thyroid: Controls metabolism -Parathyroid: maintains steady calcium levels in the blood.
Adrenals: Above kidneys. Helps body prepare for and handle stress. -Pancreas: regulates glucose levels in blood by releasing sugary substance called “insulin”
-Ovaries : Found in females. Produce eggs and estrogen female characteristics. -Testes: Found in males. Produce sperm and testosterone male characteristics