Chin Shihuandi-the greatest emperor Ruling Ruling The Great China wall The Great China wall Terracotta army Terracotta army Created by Imadova Elmira, 8E grade
When the Zhou dynasty disintegrated into lots of parts there was a dynasty that made by won in battles of the main 5 parts and made in one-Chin dynasty.When the Zhou dynasty disintegrated into lots of parts there was a dynasty that made by won in battles of the main 5 parts and made in one-Chin dynasty. The Chin dynasty existed 15 years- from 221 to 206 years.The Chin dynasty existed 15 years- from 221 to 206 years. Chin Shihuandi translated-the first emperor of dynasty Chin.Chin Shihuandi translated-the first emperor of dynasty Chin. Formation of Chin dynasty
The emperor Chin Shi Huang, born as Ying Zheng in 259 BC, he was the son of the king of the Chin State.Chin Shi Huang, born as Ying Zheng in 259 BC, he was the son of the king of the Chin State. He destroyed all of historic materials that was not about Chin dynasty. Also he killed more than 400 historians.He destroyed all of historic materials that was not about Chin dynasty. Also he killed more than 400 historians. sch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiY19- EpIbLAhUJ_HIKHTmbCN8Q_AUIBygB#imgrc=OmRX0Grj0u3UuM%3 A
Shihuandi’s contribution In politics, he canceled hereditary system.In politics, he canceled hereditary system. In economy, he said that agriculture and trade was really important and he developed itIn economy, he said that agriculture and trade was really important and he developed it. Also he developed Chinese characters that influence on culture.Also he developed Chinese characters that influence on culture.
Chin Shihuangdi started to standardize. Anyone who didn’t follow standards was punished as a traitor.Chin Shihuangdi started to standardize. Anyone who didn’t follow standards was punished as a traitor. He organized China into 36 provinces where leaders reported to the government.He organized China into 36 provinces where leaders reported to the government. Chin Shihuangdi followed legalism.Chin Shihuangdi followed legalism. He created social order.He created social order. He took more direct control over the common people.He took more direct control over the common people. This emperor did labor service.This emperor did labor service.
The Great China wall The Great China wall which long is 8 km 852 m was made by Chin Shihuangdi. There were more than people which built this wall. Also, if you disagreed with Shihuandi, soldiers killed you and put your body into the wall.The Great China wall which long is 8 km 852 m was made by Chin Shihuangdi. There were more than people which built this wall. Also, if you disagreed with Shihuandi, soldiers killed you and put your body into the wall. =935&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZirDCrIbLAhVGqH IKHTH4AckQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=nfp4Lhe-nmdtDM%3A
In 1974 the Terracotta army was opened. This is figures of soldiers and horses, that influenced the role of formed the Chinese composition. It built more than 38 years. All of the people and horses had different faces, equipments and clothes that show social status.In 1974 the Terracotta army was opened. This is figures of soldiers and horses, that influenced the role of formed the Chinese composition. It built more than 38 years. All of the people and horses had different faces, equipments and clothes that show social status. The terracotta army w=1920&bih=979&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi B_KnJiZPLAhXGiCwKHaM4ATsQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=1KxX4WnmFk X97M%3A
Citation R. (Writer). (n.d.). The empire chin [Video file]. Odessa: Мрия Урок. Retrieved March 21, 2012, from erra_cotta_army/qin_shihuang_1.htmLiu, C. Y., Pagán, V., & Liu, N. H. (2011). The Terra Cotta Army of Qin Shi Huang. World Neurosurgery,75(3-4), erra_cotta_army/qin_shihuang_1.htm (2008, December 29). The Terra-Cotta Warriors. Retrieved February 22, 2016, from The book- Karpiel, F., Krull, K., & Wiggins, G. P. (2012). My world history. Boston, MA: Pearson p.
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