Terracotta Army By: Devin Huie
Originally the warriors had color which faded over time due to the elements.
Extreme care had to be used to uncover the terracotta warriors.
Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China. The Terracotta army was made to protect him in the spirit world.
It took hundreds of workers 36 years to create the Terracotta army that consists of more than 7,000 figures.
A Farmer near the city of Xi’an discovered the first warrior in He was digging for a well and discovered a clay head.
Each warrior weighed 300 to 400 hundred pounds and stood about 6 feet tall. They were buried in pits that were 15 to 20 feet deep. The warriors had bronze weapons that were later stolen.
Compare the Original to the Disney Version Terracotta Warrior Exhibit in the China Pavilion at Epcot. Orlando, Florida. The real Terracotta Warriors, as you can see many have been damaged.
The End! To learn more, lets go on a field trip to China!