NAME: JANISH KARISHM KUMAR FROM: FIJI Seeking – part time job as a tutor in business studies for level 5 and 6
QUALIFICATIONS Post Graduate Diploma in Business Enterprise Post graduate certificate in Education & Bachelor of Art degree (Economics & Geography) 200 level Bachelor of Commerce NZQA recognised
WORK EXPERIENCE TOTAL : 9 YEARS ( Teaching experience) Ratu Navula College (2015) (Actg Head of Department- Commerce) Nadi College ( ) (senior form Accounting, Economics commercial studies, geography and social science ) Nasikawa vision College ( ) (commended by the curriculum development unit of Fiji )
kknowledge in all racial, economic and ethnic backgrounds FFamiliarity with social, educational and economic problems classroom management effective communication skills AAbility to give and receive feedback on the quality of services wwork as part of a team mmy passion, dedication and commitment