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Presentation transcript:


This presentation focuses on Some of the work that has been done over the years on the required skills and competencies for distance education professionals and practitioners. Interrelatedness of findings from these studies with the two relevant policy frameworks for the South African post school education system

Research questions Has there been much change in the relevant skills and competencies for staff working in distance education? Are there commonalities between what the relevant South African policies say about capacity building for distance education and what we already know through research about critical skills and competencies in distance education?

Aim To find out and build on these commonalities as we move towards a more collaborative & integrated post school education that emphasizes distance education provision for national economic growth and capacity building

5 The Post-school Education climate in RSA Demand push for post school & higher education Expectation that post school Education must Respond to government policies Widening of participation in post-school education Access, quality and cost (origins of the Iron Triangle, relevant today as it was when conceptualized by Daniel ( ) Moving towards Integration of work and learning Interdependency between education and ICTs Push for adaptable, open and flexible curriculum

The 2 policies  White Paper for Post-school education and training: building an expanded, effective and Integrated post- school system. Department of Higher Education and Training. RSA (20 November 2013)  Policy for the provision of distance education in South African Universities in the context of an integrated post school system (July 2014)

Some of the assumptions The education sector will supply knowledge, skills and expertise that in turn develop the nation socially and economically. Capacity building through distance education will lead to social and economic growth. Quality distance education, when compared to on- campus education, is more cost effective and accessible for our context

This is because: Course content of DE is technologically mediated Non-contiguous communication between student and teacher Economies of scale therefore less expensive Flexibility of place, time and venue

What is ODL? Distance Learning – a process whereby the student learns while separated from the tutor/teacher (Keegan, 1986) Open Learning - is any form of learning with strong emphasis on flexibility and learner centredness. It is open in terms of access, delivery and interpretation (Paine, 1989; Rowntree, 1992)

Post school Education Policy on DE Rather than adopt the term open and distance learning (ODL), this document has taken the view that distance education does not by its nature adhere to open learning principles. Moreover, open learning principles can be vested in all forms of educational provision. (post-school educ policy, p.48)

DE Policy on DE For the purposes of this discussion, the term 'distance education' therefore refers to provision in which students spend 30% or less of the stated Notional Learning hours in undergraduate courses at NQF Levels 5 and 6, and 25% or less in courses at NQF Level land initial post-graduate courses at NQF Level 8, in staff-led, face-to-face, campus-based structured learning activities. (p.9)

lifelong learning - removal of barriers to access learning - Instruct. Design that assumes that students can succeed Credit for RPL -flexibility of learning provision -QA of materials design & Support systems - learner centeredness - provision of learner support Open Learning Principles of Open learning as outlined in the Post school education policy (p.48)

Post-school Ed Policy on DE capacity Development? Very little but enough: Professional development It will be necessary to ensure continuing professional development for full-time staff in the post-school sector, and to increase staff numbers in proportion to increasing numbers of distance education enrolments. The DHET will invest in professional development programmes for full-time and part-time staff in various aspects of distance programmes, including online learning and course design using open education resources.

ODL Policy on DE capacity Development? Very little but enough: Professional development It will be necessary to ensure continuing professional development for full-time staff in the post-school sector, and to increase staff numbers in proportion to increasing numbers of distance education enrolments. The DHET will invest in professional development programmes for full-time and part-time staff in various aspects of distance programmes, including online learning and course design using open education resources.

Methodology Synthesis and critical review of key studies that have been done on skill and competencies for DE. Selected them using the number of time each study has been cited to decided. Studies that have been cited more than 10 times are selected. Looking at what the two policies say about capacity development for DE in in relation to the literature review of selected studies

SKILLS & COMPETENCIES Looking at previous studies Thach and murphy (1995) found that Faculty need to learn new skills like instructional design planning, they need to adapt teaching patterns to technology, engage learners, maintain interaction at a distance and collaborate with others in course development and teaching. Many teaching staff had received training on the use of the technical system, and none received training on how to teach over the system, how to develop the course, and information on how different it is to teach through distance from teacher at the traditional face-to-face level.(p59)

A holistic look to capacity building “As institutions of higher education implement programs of distance education, they are faced with the need to implement training programs for existing staff, including administrative, instructional, and support staff, and they find themselves in the position of creating new positions to manage and support the distance education program. The initial step in creating a successful professional development program is to identify the competencies needed to perform the functions and outputs of certain major roles” Williams(2003:46).

Emerging pattern so far As Kelly ( 2010 ) observed – Technology is evolving and how we use it to enhance distance education is contributing to a lot of innovation and demand for certain competencies among DE practitioners and professionals. However, newer technologies build on older technologies hence the need for continuous professional development building on the skills and competencies that we acquire in our life long learning. A large number of skills and competencies are coming up over and over a

A large number of capacity development areas are continuously featuring although their priority ranking may vary.

DE Capacity Building areas Macro Distance Education systems Theories and models, Globalisation of education, access equity, social inclusion, research methods Meso Strategic, Institutional & Collaborative Innovation and change, educational technology, student support, management and organisation, costs and benefits Micro Teaching and learning Curriculum design, interaction and communication, learner characteristics, assessment, student support and administration. Zawacki-Richter, 2009, Germany- presentation adapted from Makoe (np) on DE research areas

In Progress Thank you