Mrs. O’Brien 2nd grade
Changes in Weather Weather is what the air is like outside Weather can be cool, cold, warm or hot Weather can be sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy or snowy There are four seasons during the year: Spring Summer Four Seasons Rap Fall Winter
The Four Seasons Spring Begins in March The air is warm, sometimes windy and rainy Trees begin to grow new leaves New flowers and plants also grow Warm air and rain help new plants grow
The Four Seasons Summer Begins in June It’s usually hot and sunny Warmest time of the year Leaves are green Flowers are fully bloomed Storms can happen suddenly
The Four Seasons Fall Begins in September The air gets cooler Leaves on trees begin to change color and fall off Some plants and flowers die
The Four Seasons Winter Begins in December The air is cold Coldest time of the year It snows in some places Most trees have lost all leaves
Rainy Weather How can we prepare? Watch the news Raincoats Umbrellas
Types of Storms Thunderstorms Lots of rain Thunder and lightning Sometimes windy
Thunderstorms How can we prepare? Stay indoors Stay away from doors and windows Don’t use the telephone Stay away from appliances, tvs, and computers
Types of Storms Tornadoes Funnel shaped cloud that spins very fast Strong winds Can destroy many houses and buildings
Tornadoes How can we prepare? Seek shelter quickly Stay inside and away from windows, doors and outside walls Cover your head and body
Hurricanes and Blizzards Strong winds, high ocean waves and lots of rain Blizzards Heavy snow and strong winds We don’t usually have these storms in South Carolina…but stay indoors during these storms!!!
Remember: Know what kinds of weather to expect during the Four Seasons Be prepared! Watch the news Stay calm during severe storms
Standards 2-3.3 Illustrate the weather conditions of different seasons. 2-3.5 Use pictorial weather symbols to record observable sky conditions. 2-3.6 Identify safety precautions that one should take during severe weather conditions.