Should fast food restaurants be banned?
McDonald’s Kentucky Fried Chicken Wendy’s Burger King Jollibee Pizza hut Famous fast food chains examples
How they brainwash us I’m loving it MCDONALD’S It’s finger lickin’ good! KFC Do Wendy’s. Do what tastes right. Have it your way BK Friends for life JOLLIBEE KFC Family meal is finger licking good!!!
What is so attractive about them? Time-saving Convenient Delicious Comfortable Satisfying junk food craving Kid friendly The hype – the ‘in’ thing Friendly, smart-looking staff
The usual fast food menu… Burger Fried Chicken ColeslawPotato Wedges French Friesmashed potato Soft Drinkschicken fingers Ice CreamPasta Nugget
Advantages - Reasons to go Standardized quality control Reasonable price clean environment Attractive give away goodies Friendly service Fast service Conveniently located Kid friendly Trendy ambience
Disadvantages to health… Too fattening High cholesterol low nutritional value Causing Indigestion Causing Constipation Leading to diseases addictive Hello, I think you need to lose weight. Stop eating junk food.
Impact of fast food Evidence from findings Researchers at the university of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre have found that those who live closer to fast-food restaurants tend to be fatter than those living further away.
A study led by Kelly M. Purtell at Ohio State University found that students who reported eating fast food once a day had slower growth in math, reading and science than students who ate no fast food. The more fast food a student reported eating, the lower their rate of academic improvement. Ref: Impact of fast food on school children
Obesity Liver damage Heart attack Type 2 diabetes Malnutrition Gastro intestinal problems High blood pressure Depression Negative health effects of fast food
Addiction to fast food leads to many health problems. however, closing fast food restaurants may not be practical Fast food restaurants could be persuaded to initiate a healthier eating culture More salads and juices Less processed food Less sugary drinks Is there a way out?
Time for a food revolution! Let fast food restaurants spearhead the healthy food revolution! Source:,,,,,,,,, life-random-acts-of.html esome.svg