Tobacco Free Campuses prohibit smoking anywhere on the campus including doorways; entrances; walkways; roads and car parks; cars parked on the campus grounds; bicycle sheds etc. WHY SHOULD WE BE, TOBACCO FREE
Consideration for others 73% of respondents are non-tobacco users Over half of our survey respondents say they’re affected by smoke outside their building. Smoke also drifts into buildings and affects those inside, even in some areas, where windows are closed.
Healthy Campus People who regularly see smoking, are more likely to smoke. That includes people who have never smoked and those who are trying to stop. By making smoking less visible, we can help the majority of smokers who want to stop. Better again, we can increase people’s likelihood of never starting.
Cleaner grounds & workplace Cigarette butts on the ground are ugly. Tobacco free means a cleaner workplace for us all.
Consultation In preparation for introducing a policy, wider consultation with stakeholders was conducted. 90% of stakeholders responded. Of that 90%, 27% classified themselves as tobacco users. 20% of those classified have tried to give up tobacco, or intend to give up tobacco. 5% said a tobacco free workplace would help them to give up. 20% said that a tobacco free workplace would impact their performance. 90% of managers responded to the question “ how much time is lost dues to tobacco breaks on a weekly basis in your department”.
Recommendations Based on consultation, proceed with tobacco free workplace policy Support non-tobacco users by removing tobacco from the workplace therefore removing 2 nd hand smoke and tobacco related litter Support tobacco users by introducing smokers supports subsidising tobacco cessation products create a supportive environment among all workers developing quitter of the month incentives
promoting a safe and healthy environment providing a supportive environment that helps tobacco users cut back, cease, or quit tobacco products protecting all workers & students from exposure to secondhand smoke
If you see a person smoking on the premises Be polite and friendly Assume that the person does not know about the policy Explain that tobacco use is not permitted If the person refuses to comply and becomes hostile, simply walk away and contact HR