Test = Tuesday 9/22 33 mc 7 matching 3 short answer/essay Title Pages due Tuesday 9/22
How did Henry Bessemer revolutionize the steel industry?
He created a way to make a stronger steel more quickly and cheaply
How did factory specialization & the assembly line affect workers?
Workers repeated the same task over and over. It was boring, tiring, and likely to become injured.
What is: a corporate expansion strategy that involves joining together as many firms (companies) from the same industry as possible
horizontal integration
What is: a corporate expansion strategy that involves controlling each step in the production and distribution of a product
vertical integration
John D. Rockefeller used this corporate expansion strategy
horizontal integration
Andrew Carnegie used this corporate expansion strategy
vertical integration
What impact did the assembly line have on car manufacturing?
cars were cheaper & easier to make because production costs decreased
Why did working conditions decline during the Industrial Revolution?
Business was more worried about high profits & efficiency than keeping workers safe
What term describes a time when America looked golden, but underneath she was tarnished with lots of problems.
the Gilded Age
What has been formed when a company completely dominates a particular industry?
What is a set of companies that is managed by a small group of people?
Why are monopolies and trusts bad for workers and consumers?
Choice decreases Prices increase Working conditions decrease
Who owns a corporation?
What is capital?
any financial asset- including money, machines, and buildings- used in production
Why are monopolies unfair?
Monopolies raise prices and can reduce the quality of goods
What is laissez-faire economic policy?
the government keeps its “hands off” business. There are few rules & regulations.
Describe conditions for factory workers
6 days a week 10 hours a day $1 a day unsafe, dangerous conditons
How did the U.S. government support laissez-faire policies?
free land to RRs cheap natural resources few rules & regulations accepted bribes high tariffs on foreign goods
What did the Pullman Strike, Haymarket Affair, and Homestead Strike have in common?
all turned violent losses for labor unions troops/police called in
What are the 3 basic objectives of labor unions?
better wages (pay) safer conditions fewer hours
What can labor unions do when negotiations with owners fail?
Why was it difficult for labor unions to improve conditions for workers?
the government and courts mostly supported business owners
define push factor
a problem that causes people to immigrate to another place (reason for leaving)
define pull factor
an attraction that draws immigrants to another place (reason for coming)
Why did most immigrants to America travel in steerage?
they couldn’t afford a 1 st or 2 nd class ticket
What two exams did immigrants have to pass at Ellis Island?
Medical Inspection & Legal Inspecition
How often did immigrants get sent back to their home countries?
rarely—only 2% were deported
Why did immigrants work low-paying industrial jobs?
most immigrants were unskilled workers
who were nativists?
Americans who felt threatened by immigrants
What did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 limit?
Chinese immigration & citizenship
Where did most “new” immigrants come from in 1910?
Southern & Eastern Europe
Why did employers hire immigrant labor?
Immigrants would work for less.
What were poorly built, overcrowded apartment buildings in big cities called?
What happened to many immigrants at Angel Island?
Most were detained for weeks, months, some even years.
What is a political theory that advocates ownership of the means of production by people (workers) not private individuals?
what is the economic system in which factories & equipment are privately owned?
what is collective bargaining?
negotiations between workers and employers for wages, working conditions, and other terms of employment
what did the Sherman Anti-Trust Act attempt to outlaw?
trusts & other businesses that limited trade
What push factors impacted immigrants?
lack of jobs/land potato famine population growth religious persecution
what pull factors impacted immigrants to the U.S.?
natural resources (land, minerals, forests) jobs freedom democracy opportunity letters from friends & family
Which American ideal is most represented in this Unit? Be prepared to support your answer with 3-4 specific examples.
Test = Tuesday 9/22 33 mc 7 matching 3 short answer/essay Title Pages due Tuesday 9/22