Vocational opportunities
Aims To know the difference between amateur and professional sport Understand the different types of vocations that are available in the sports and leisure industry
Sports Performers
Semi professional ProfessionalAmateur
Open Sports Shamatuer! Sponsorship Occupations Expense payments Scholarships
There are now many career opportunities available in what is becoming known as the ‘sport and leisure industry’ and they include the following: PE Teacher Coach Trainer Physiotherapist Sports Management Personal Trainer Vocations /careers
1 mark 2 mark 4 mark 6 mark 1 mark2 mark4 mark
Level 1 = 0 marksInappropriate answer showing no clear outline or description Level 2 = 1 – 2 marks Candidates' answers show basic justification for the loopholes chosen. Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with some accuracy and use a limited number of specialist terms appropriately Level 3 = 3 – 5 marks Candidates' answers show reasonable justification for the loopholes chosen. Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar with reasonable accuracy and use a range of specialist terms appropriately. Level 4 = 6 – 8 marks Candidates must consider at least two loopholes and show good justification for the points given. Candidates spell, punctuate and use the rules of grammar accurately and use a wide range of specialist terms precisely and adeptly.
Secret Question
Plenary GotsNeeds