Chapter 17 Sec 4 Legacy of the War
Costs of the War Both sides resented each other Deadliest war in American History (620,000 total dead-360,000 union & 260,000 confederacy) 3 million men had served HUGE economic costs
13 th Amendment Once the War was over, Union soldiers traveled the South freeing slaves. ----Emancipation proclamation--- Slaves in border states remained
13 th Amendment January 1865 the 13 th amendment was passed ending slavery in the US.
Lincoln’s Assassination 5 days after General Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, John Wilkes Booth killed Abe Lincoln. The murder was a conspiracy. Plans included killing the VP and the Secretary of State.
Consequences of the war People started to see the US as a Nation, not a collection of states. Federal Government grew: new Currency, new income tax, new banking system, $ for colleges, more railroads, growth of federal power
Consequences of the War North New industry Fewer farmers South Economic disaster Farms and plantations were destroyed 40% of livestock were destroyed 50% of farm machinery destroyed Labor system *slaves* GONE