COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Partnership Administrator (Raymond Swann) Department Chairs 1 Faculty member from each department 1 Representative from Lake Campus Director of Student Services Director of Professional Field Experiences Director of DPPR
Committee Responsibilities Make recommendations to the Dean concerning new partner schools. Monitor induction process for new partner schools. Maintain records of college and university activities in public schools. Evaluate the effectiveness of school- university partnership annually.
Committee Responsibilities Committee Responsibilities (continued) Request and respond to reports on special projects in partner schools. Entertain suggestions for improving school- university partnerships from other colleges, faculty in CEHS, and practitioners. Maintain minutes of all committee meetings. Meet at least twice each quarter to conduct committee business.
Roles and Responsibilities: Chair of Partnership Committee Elected by the membership of the Partnership Committee. Plans the agenda, schedules, and conducts all committee meetings. Maintains records of all meetings. Solicited and/or presents information that is important to the work of the partnership committee.
Roles and Responsibilities: Partnership Administrator Responsible for facilitating the work of the Partnership Committee and the partner schools by working with key individuals in the routine operation of the partnerships; maintaining communication across units; keeping other members of the partnership implementation team informed; and reporting regularly on partnership activities.
Roles and Responsibilities: Director of Field Placement Works in collaboration with partnership implementation team in selecting and cultivating field placement centers in diverse settings.
Roles and Responsibilities: Site Liaison Maintains communication between the college and the partner school; plans and conducts advisory committee meetings and other informational meetings at the school site; serves in an advisory capacity for pre- service and in-service teachers at the assigned building site; and works to build a healthy, trusting relationship among university faculty and school personnel.
Roles and Responsibilities: Department Chair, Teacher Ed. Recommends procedures for selecting faculty liaison, facilitates discussion of the knowledge base for pre-service teacher education, and works in collaboration with the implementation team to facilitate the selection and induction of new partners and the evaluation of the achievement of goals and objectives.
Roles and Responsibilities: Lead Teacher Coordinate the partnership efforts within the school, share insights about pre-service and in-service teacher development with the implementation team, and works to build healthy, trusting relationships at the school site.
Roles and Responsibilities: Principal Recommends procedures for selection of clinical faculty, facilitates discussion of the knowledge base for the theoretical models presently guiding practice in partner schools, and participates in discussions with the implementation team and partnership committee, as necessary.
SHARED DECISION MAKING Employs an agreed upon process whereby representatives of designated stakeholders engage in a discussion leading to an agreed upon decision that serves to facilitate attainment of mutually shared goals and objectives.
NEW PARTNER SELECTION PROCESS Complete application package submitted to committee chair. Application is reviewed relative to the needs and resources of the college. Committee chair identifies faculty to visit facility and report back to committee. Committee considers all information and makes recommendation to the Dean
NEW PARTNERSHIP INDUCTION Establish a shared vision for a “dynamic professional learning community that includes university faculty, pre- professionals, and practitioners.” Share university program information: Program structure, conceptual framework, guidelines for field experiences.
NEW PARTNERSHIP INDUCTION (continued) Share school information: Courses of study/grade level or subject matter curriculum, students’ rights and responsibilities, district and school policy handbooks for staff, and teachers’ union guidelines. Develop schedule of meeting times for dialogue and deliberation as a dynamic professional learning community.
PARTNERSHIP EVALUATION: Principal Interview Questions What has been your experience with the school-university partnership? What aspects of the partnership are beneficial? Which are not? Why? What would you like to see the partnership accomplish? On what issues would you like to see more school-university collaboration?
Addressing Changes in Leadership Affecting Partnerships Informing the new leadership of the goals of the school-university partnership. Introducing the new leadership to the school-university partnership community. Establishing a working relationship with the new leadership by identifying mutually shared goals and determining areas of individual responsibility.
DAYTON PUBLIC PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS E. J. Brown Elementary 48 W. Parkwood Dr. Dayton, OH (937) Fairview Middle School 2408 Philadelphia Dr. Dayton, OH (937)
FAIRBORN CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS Five Points Elementary School 4 W. Dayton-Yellow Springs Fairborn, OH (937) Baker Junior High 200 Lincoln Dr. Fairborn, OH (937)
FAIRBORN CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS FAIRBORN CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS (continued) Fairborn High School 900 E. Dayton -Yellow Springs Rd. Fairborn, OH (937)
TROTWOOD MADISON CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS TROTWOOD MADISON CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS: Shilohview Elementary School 5600 Elgin Roof Dr. Dayton, OH (937) Trotwood-Madison High School 221 E. Trotwood Blvd. Trotwood, OH (937)
TROTWOOD-MADISON PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS TROTWOOD-MADISON PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS (continued) Trotwood-Madison Middle School 3594 N. Snyder Rd. Dayton, OH (937)
WEST CARROLLTON CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS Holliday Elementary School 4100 S. Dixie Dr. Dayton, OH (937) Harry Russell Elementary 123 Elementary Dr. West Carrollton, OH (937)
West Carrollton Middle School 5833 Student Street West Carrollton, OH (937) WEST CARROLLTON CITY PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS (continued)