Relative Location: Australia is in Oceania. It is a continent between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. Total Land Area: 7,741,220 sq. km Capital City: Canaberra factbook/geos/as.html CIA World FactbookCurrency Exchange Rate converter/#from=AUD;to=USD;amt=1 BIBLIOGRAPHY BY: KRISTEN SEKULA PERIOD: 0 Koala Bear
Total Population: 22,262,501 Literacy Rate: 99% Languages Spoken: English Chinese Italian Greek Arabic Vietnamese Other ECONOMICS Currency Name: Australian Dollar Exchange Rate: $1 USD = AUD Import Dollars: $242.2 billion Export Dollars: $271.1 billion Agriculture Products: wheat barley fruits cattle sugar cane sheep poultry Industries: mining industrial transportation food processing chemicals steel Australia was once ruled by the United Kingdom. Australia declared their independence from the UK on January 1, Australia currently has a Federal Parliamentary Democracy with a Parliamentary Realm form of government. The current leader of Australia is Prime Minister Julia Eileen Gillard. GOVERNMENT and HISTORY Kangaroo
1% 92% 7% Life Expectancy AustraliaUnited States Males Females Years Country Dingo Kookaburra Bird Sydney Opera House