Australia By Angelina Nguyen
Western Australia. Captain James Stirling found Western Australia. Western Australia is the biggest state in Australia. Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals Western Australia is a beautiful place.
Northern Territory. Northern Territory has the biggest rock in Australia. Northern Territory’s capital city is Darwin. Northern Territory has four emblem s. Uluru is the worlds largest single rock. Over hundreds of millions of years.
Queens land. o Queens land’s capital city is Brisbane. o In Queens land there is a place called heavy bay. o Queens land is near The great barrier reef. o Fraser Island is the worlds largest sand Island. The island is 123 kilometres long and covers an area of 1840 square kilometres.
Tasmania. Tasmania’s capital city is Hobart. Tasmania has a place called Roger River. Tasmania is a small place. Tasmania is apart of Australia. Tasmania has a lion on their flag. Tasmania has five emblems.
New South Wales. N.S.W capital city is Sydney. Australia’s capital city is Canberra. N.S.W has a place named Newcastle In New South Wales has the Australia’ s capital city The Opera singer lives In the Opera house.
Victoria Victoria’s capital city is Melbourne. There is a church named St Arauld. Victoria is a small territory. The badge of Victoria is taken from the Victorian flag.
South Australia. South Australia’s capital city is Adelaide. South Australia’s flag has an eagle. South Australia is a beautiful. The New South Wales state flag has a blue background and show the Union jack in the upper left corner.
In Northern territory has a beautiful biggest rock Called Uluru. Cyclone Tracy was a tropical cyclone that devastated the city of Darwin. 47,000 people died in Darwin from that cyclone In 1974.
By Angelina. N.