Aims: - to teach to work in group and feel responsibility for doing the work well; - to teach to support our opinion; - to teach to be tolerant to different ideas; - to express our love to native land; - to extend the knowledge about the capital of Ukraine
The type of project: - group - long-term -informative
The participants of project: English teacher, pupils of the 8 th form: Natalya Gedz’, Milan Tomich, Roksolana Dolyuk, Viktorya Pidlisna
Project ideas PROJECTIDEASPROJECTIDEAS Needs Presentation Planning the project Content and structure of the project Design Final product
Students’ evaluation Evaluation Teacher’s evaluation Form Steps Final product Duties Presentation Design Content and structure Needs Planning
Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra
Kyiv Opera
The monument to Prince Volodymyr
St. Nicolas Catholic Cathedral
Golden Gate
Saint Sophia Cathedral
Kyiv Zoo
Botanical Garden
Kyiv Circus
The Puppet Theatre
There are the names of some places of interest in Kyiv which are put into code in your cards. In order to decode these places of interest you need the English alphabet. There are 26 letters in it which are put in a certain order. For example, the letter A has the number 1, the letter B – 2, the letter Z – 26. TASK : TO DECODE THE NAMES OF SOME PLACES OF INTEREST IN KYIV. There are the names of some places of interest in Kyiv which are put into code in your cards. In order to decode these places of interest you need the English alphabet. There are 26 letters in it which are put in a certain order. For example, the letter A has the number 1, the letter B – 2, the letter Z – 26. TASK : TO DECODE THE NAMES OF SOME PLACES OF INTEREST IN KYIV. TASK
1. Kyiv Opera 2. Botanical Garden 3. Puppet Theatre 4. Kyiv Circus 5. Golden Gate