1 MONITORING OF THE INDICATORS OF MDG: EXPERIENCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Turdubayeva Chinara Chief of the Division of Consolidated Works and Information 5-8 october 2009, Astana National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
2 The Kyrgyz Republic Capital - Bishkek (836.6 thousand people); Area: 199,9 thousand square meters. Almost 90% of the territory is located on 1500 m above sea level. Population on the 1 st of January ,3 million people. Borders - with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and China. The republic is home to over than 90 nationalities in total.
3 Milestones for achieving the MDG representatives of 191 countries, including the Kyrgyz Republic adopted the Millennium Declaration Matrix of MDGs was formed First National Report on implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, prepared by the Government of the KR in conjunction with UNDP Second National Report on progress in achieving the MDGs in the Kyrgyz Republic, prepared by the Administration of the President, together with UNDP. In preparation for the First and Second National Report on MDGs informational support was provided by the National Statistical Committee (NSC KR).
4 To fulfill these obligations the Kyrgyz Republic seeks to: reduce poverty; achieve sustainable human development through access to education and health; ensure gender equality; reduce child mortality; improve children's health; reduce the incidence of HIV / AIDS; ensure environmental sustainability.
5 Administration of President of the KR Matrix of Indicators of MDG Government of the KR National Statistical Committee of the KR National Bank of the KR Ministry of Economical Development and Trade of the KR Ministry of Finance of the KR Ministry of Education and Science of the KR Ministry of Health of the KR UNDP Sources of MDG indicators Civil Society
6 Sources of MDG indicators Administrative data. Current statistical data. Survey data: - Integrated sample survey of households and labor force; - Census; Data of the international organizations: UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP, WB, ADB, International Monetary Fund (IMF).
7 NSC of the KR is currently undertaking work to ensure the monitoring of the Country Development Strategy (CDS). MDG indicators are integrated in the CDS for The matrix of indicators for monitoring and evaluating implementation of the CDS includes a large number of indicators to achieve MDG, which indicates the seriousness of the state to deal with the identification of MDG as a guide in formulating strategic decisions. Monitoring of achieving MDG in the Kyrgyz Republic
8 Monitoring of MDG indicatirs General international goals and objectives tailored to the specific conditions of the republic. Objective 2 which requires the achievement of universal primary education by 2015 is reached Currently Objective 2 for the Kyrgyz Republic is formulated as the achievement of universal secondary education. In the Kyrgyz Republic there is no body that coordinates the development of statistic departments and agencies for the development of MDG indicators and controls the quality of data.
9 Production and dissemination of indicators of MDG
10 Other users can use the web-page of the NSC of the KR to work with indicators of MDG placed there.
11 Production and dissemination of indicators of MDG Millennium Development Goals by 2015 №International№NationalInternational 1Poverty gap ratio in per capita1Level of extreme poverty (percentage of population with consumption below the national food poverty line) %Population with incomes below one dollar a day - is the percentage of the population whose income / consumption is below the poverty line The poverty line used here - one dollar per person per day, measured as purchasing power parity 1aPercentage of population living on less than $ 1 a day 1aPercentage of population living on less than $ 1 a day %Individuals are poor if the per capita income / consumption of the household to which they belong is below the poverty line. A figure of $ 1 per day was chosen because it is typical of the poverty in low-income countries 2Poverty gap ratio2 %Coefficient of depth of poverty - is a combined measurement of poverty and depth of poverty. Poverty gap is the difference between poverty and middle-income of population living below the poverty line, expressed as part of the poverty line 3Share least well-off quintile in national consumption 3Share least well-off quintile in population incomes %Inequality is determined by dividing the income / expenditure of the poorest (20%) of the total income / expenditure of the population in the whole
12 Production and dissemination of indicators of MDG Millennium Development Goals to 2015 ProposedUnit Level of extreme poverty (percentage of population with consumption below the national food poverty line) % 1The19,114,923,023,317,013,513,817,213,411,19,16,6 Urban Area10,35,018,317,112,79,612,010,26,96,55,53,2 Rural Area23,320,725,825,620,515,614,721,016,913,811,38,5 Bakenskaya Region----34,310,914,336,333,718,816,19,2 Dzhalal-Abadskaya Region19,030,629,327,215,18,311,316,612,718,017,312,0 Issyk-Kulskaya Region24,023,916,514,627,621,318,714,717,214,210,68,1 Narynskaya Region29,058,642,615,037,636,334,730,430,720,015,112,8 Oshskaya Region24,410,131,330,419,819,917,421,211,310,27,66,4 Talasskaya Region22,423,048,841,736,625,421,818,116,814,19,77,9 Tсhuiskaya Region14,03,58,111,54,55,96,08,56,85,33,81,4 5,40,86,55,95,83,15,66,64,70,4 0,6 2Percentage of population living on less than one dollar a day % The0,971,021,071,730,270,120,400,100,120,390,350,13 Urban Area0,740,121,210,690,180,070,100,170,130,650,580,33 Rural Area1,091,550,982,110,310,160,580,120,240,220,02 Bakenskaya Region----0,550,20 0,680,290,610,090,00 Dzhalal-Abadskaya Region1,901,390,501,530,670,810,20 Issyk-Kulskaya Region1,422,840,490,230,980,390,900,040,560,05 Narynskaya Region1,032,611,492,310,501,700,101,431,391,600,13 Oshskaya Region0,720,411,451,700,600,320,250,33 Talasskaya Region4,183,206,755,700,520,431,330,00 Tсhuiskaya Region0,290,830,500,060,00 0,060,040,00 3Poverty gap ratio15,913,919,519,817,713,913,215,313,210,59,16,6
13 Production and dissemination of indicators of MDG In collaboration with UNICEF, there was created a database Devinfo format, used for monitoring of gender indicators. Results of monitoring are widely used not only in the Ministries and Departments of the Republic, but also in various international organizations and missions located on its territory.
14 Production and dissemination of indicators of MDG
15 Problems Lack of international indicators to monitor indicators of MDG: - the ratio of school attendance among orphans and non-orphans aged 10-14; - proportion of population using solid fuels; - the percentage of population with sustainable access to affordable essential medicines; - the number of Internet users per 100 inhabitants.
16 Problems Lack of resources to conduct sample surveys. Unreliability and poor quality of administrative sources (HIV / AIDS and other communicable diseases transmitted by contact, environment, unemployment, ICT, the use of small sample sizes).
17 Further areas for monitoring of MDG indicators Gradual introduction of indicators of MDG, absent in the matrix of indicators of CDS in its structure. Improved distribution and access to the MDG indicators. Introduction of the new indicators reflecting the situation of women and men in the economy (women's and men's access to resources: land tenure, property, ICT). Updating indicators in accordance with the new trends in labor migration, violence against women and children.
Thank you for your attention!