Happy Thursday 1 st Period <3 1.HOT ROC: Women in the 1950s 2.“Peace, Prosperity, and Progress”: Rise of Suburbia and the middle class 3.Poverty in the 1950s Essential Question: Were the 1950s a decade of “peace, prosperity, and progress” for all Americans? Homework: Study for Test FRIDAY!
Warm Up: The Good Wife's Guide From a 1950’s Magazine on Homemaking Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have be thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. Be happy and interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it. How is the media targeted at women similar to the media from WWII? How is the media targeted at women different in the 1950’s from WWII? What might Betty Fried say were the main differences for women before and after WWII? What does she attribute their dissatisfaction in the 1950’s to?
Life in Levittown “The Levitts’ homes were affordable, planted in a picture- perfect, carefully controlled community, and were equipped with futuristic stoves and television sets. The houses were simple, unpretentious, and most importantly to its inhabitants, affordable to both the white and blue collar worker. And the Levitts took more than the homes themselves into consideration—they designed community streets along curvilinear patterns to create a graceful, un-urban grid like feel, and directed cars going through the development to the outside of the community so Levittown would not be disturbed by noisy traffic. Even the maintenance of houses and yards were meticulously governed; buyers agreed to a laundry list of rules that, for example, prohibited residents from hanging laundry to dry outside their homes.”– Journalist David Kushner
Critics of Suburbia Analyze the video: – This song was written in What does this say about how some people viewed the lifestyle of the 1950s-1960s – What is conformity? How is conformity perceived as positive and how can it be perceived as negative?
Transition: Poverty in the Age of Affluence Read the following quote and analyze “Affluence creates poverty.”--Marshall McLuhan, Canadian philosopher Discuss with your partner. How might affluence create poverty? Because America is an affluent society, do you think we will ever be able to get rid of poverty?
Defining Poverty Poverty line: the minimum amount of income (money) someone needs to make to support basic needs – C.1958 poverty line set at $3000 per year for families – The Other America: popular book reveals 25% of all Americans living BELOW the poverty line 50 million people
The Other America Why did poverty persist in the United States in an age of affluence?
Attempts at Reform: “Urban Renewal”
Pruitt-Igoe Clip 1 Q&index=2&list=PLyy8BrdwVyjRoE- VRWVQzET7_tJlqPdYU (2:58 - 7:45 min. - Intention and Overview) Q&index=2&list=PLyy8BrdwVyjRoE- VRWVQzET7_tJlqPdYU – What was the city of St. Louis’s goal in creating the Pruitt-Igoe public housing project? How is the housing project first presented? – How do the living conditions at Pruitt-Igoe change over time? – What are the different hypotheses the video offers about why the Pruitt-Igoe housing project failed? Which of these hypotheses does the video seem to present as the most convincing?
Pruitt-Igoe Clip 2 Q&index=2&list=PLyy8BrdwVyjRoE- VRWVQzET7_tJlqPdYU (38:000 – 46:10 Ghettoization/The Color Line/Poverty and Jobs) Q&index=2&list=PLyy8BrdwVyjRoE- VRWVQzET7_tJlqPdYU – How did Pruitt-Igoe become a racially segregated community? – What were some of the burdens that blacks had to bare living in segregated neighborhoods? – What happened to the urban industrial economy after WWII? How did this impact poor African-Americans?
Poverty Today Poverty Line today – $11,000 for individual – $23,000 for family 15% of Americans living below the poverty line – 46 million people
Bringing it Back Around - “Affluence creates poverty.”--Marshall McLuhan, Canadian philosopher -Agree – Affluence Creates Poverty -Somewhat Agree – Affluence impacts poverty, but perhaps some impacts could be mitigated. -Somewhat Disagree – Affluence doesn’t create poverty, but they will always co-exist - Disagree - Affluence does not create poverty and everyone could be affluent.