Measuring the concept of development Aliyu Usman Abdullahi Aliyu Usman Abdullahi Chisom Osuchukwu Chisom Osuchukwu Olajobi Adedamola Olajobi Adedamola Khalid Ibrahim Firdausi Khalid Ibrahim Firdausi
AIM ; To justify why Zimbabwe is a less developed country AIM ; To justify why Zimbabwe is a less developed country In comparison with Norway BACKGROUNG INFORMATION; BACKGROUNG INFORMATION; It is located in southern part of Africa with a population of over 13 million people. it became an independent country on the 18 th of April 1980, and it occupies a land of about km with its Capital located in Harare.
INDICATORS AND THEIR IMPACTS ECONOMIC INDICATORS ECONOMIC INDICATORS Unemployment Rate And Deflation Unemployment Rate And Deflation SOCIAL INDICATORS SOCIAL INDICATORS Low level of Education And Poverty Low level of Education And Poverty POLITICAL INDICATORS POLITICAL INDICATORS Freedom of Speech (Human Rights Abuse) And International Sanctions Freedom of Speech (Human Rights Abuse) And International Sanctions Development definition: to simply explain, is an increase in the overall standard of living of majority of the population through the creation of employment to boost productivity and also improvements in the social and political environment of a country
ECONOMIC INDICATORS Unemployment rate (sources trading economics, world bank)Unemployment rate (sources trading economics, world bank) inflation|deflationinflation|deflation ZIMBABWENORWAY SUBJECTINDICATORS YearValue %YearValue % UnemploymentUnemployment rate women Unemployment rate men Unemployment youth Unemployment rate employmentPaid employment %201475%
Social INDICATORS Education (sources World Bank and Human development index)Education (sources World Bank and Human development index) Poverty (source African Facts)Poverty (source African Facts) ZimbabweNorway SubjectIndicators YearvalueYearValue EducationPrimary education %201595% Secondary education %201582% Postsecondary education %201539% ZimbabweNorway SubjectIndicators YearValueYearValue povertyGDP per capital PPP Population living below poverty line %20148% Human development index
Political indicators Freedom of speech( sources freedom house, human watch )Freedom of speech( sources freedom house, human watch ) International sanctions(sources british bureau) ZimbabweNorway INDICATORS Press freedomNot freefree Political imprisonmentHighNone Access to government informationNot availableAvailable Freedom of speechRestrictedfree Recent high profile human rights abusesPost election violence No recent incident Zimbabwenorway Arms embargo None Over 200 individuals and institutions Non reported INTERNATIONAL SANCTIONS
Theories and development challenges Structural change and patterns of developmentStructural change and patterns of development Viewed underdevelopment in terms increased savings and investment as necessary but not sufficient conditions for economic growth. Empirical structural-change analysts emphasize both domestic and international constraints on development. ChallengesChallenges the model does recognize that differences can arise among countries in the pace and pattern of development, depending on their particular set of circumstances. Factors influencing the development process include a country’s resource endowment and size, its government’s policies and objectives, the availability of external capital and technology, and the international trade environment. One limitation to keep in mind is that by emphasizing patterns rather than theory, this approach runs the risk of leading practitioners to draw the wrong conclusions about causality the model does recognize that differences can arise among countries in the pace and pattern of development, depending on their particular set of circumstances. Factors influencing the development process include a country’s resource endowment and size, its government’s policies and objectives, the availability of external capital and technology, and the international trade environment. One limitation to keep in mind is that by emphasizing patterns rather than theory, this approach runs the risk of leading practitioners to draw the wrong conclusions about causality
Findings / conclusion According to our findings using the above indicators and Norway as a benchmark we agree that Zimbabwe is an underdeveloped country and it has a lot of catching up to do before it becomes a developed country. The vast gap between what a developed country should be and what Zimbabwe is further explained by the GDP PPP and the population below poverty level.According to our findings using the above indicators and Norway as a benchmark we agree that Zimbabwe is an underdeveloped country and it has a lot of catching up to do before it becomes a developed country. The vast gap between what a developed country should be and what Zimbabwe is further explained by the GDP PPP and the population below poverty level.