Claudia Delgado, Training Coordinator IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium OceanTeacher Academy Preservation of Books and Other Media Training Course: 21 – 25 May, 2012
Timetable Ms Caitlin Moore (Teaching Assistant) Ms Linda Pikula (OTA Lecturer) By Webex Ms Nancy Kraft (Univ Iowa)
Practical Information Ferry boat: every 15 to 20 min – Timetable: and and (1 April - 30 September) – In case of bad weather: taxi Fully sponsored students: hotel is paid for but no extras (telephone bills, mini-bar, pay-tv, etc). Ask for personal bill at check-out. Payment of per diem: – Only with boarding passes and for those who have had extra costs for local tickets we need the original invoice. – Reimbursements follow the UNESCO guidelines – Monday afternoon during coffee-break Early return flights (before 10 am, saturday) – Hotel in Brussels (near airport or near railway station): use the hotel’s shuttle service to and from the airport – Check out, including luggage, from Hotel Bero on Friday morning (before coming to the PO) Practical matters: – NO SMOKING – Water (waterfountains upstairs and downstairs); – Use the trash bins for trash (don’t leave trash randomly); No glass in the trash bins; – Lunch and cofffee breaks downstairs: no glasses, cups, cutlery, plates can be taken up; – Respect meals schedules – toilets (upstairs and downstairs); – Cell phones off/silent mode – If you need something, please ask.
Practical Information Computers: – administrator rights: installations are only allowed when requested by a lecturer; – All pc’s are protected and up to date: do not download any anti virus or other software; – Whoever does install non authorised software and by doing so damages his/her computer, will have no computer; – In case there is need, course materials that are not available online on OceanTeacher Academy website will be made available at the end of the training course; – Printing possible using the printer(s) in the training room; – In case of any problem ask one of our IT staff; – Do not change any computer settings; – Do not keep and/or leave any personal files on the computers;
How to Access OceanTeacher Courses
OTA training courses
OceanTeacher Components (binary structure) OceanTeacher Classroom – Courses on oceanographic data and information management. – based upon Moodle software – contains a collection of outlines, notes and links to miscellaneous documents in the Digital Library. – registration enables assistance by lecturers as well as communication with other students before, during and after the course. OceanTeacher Digital Library – data and information management materials, including software (open source), quality control and analysis strategies, and reference documents. – The wiki-style Digital Library is build upon the MediaWiki software. OceanTeacher Academy OceanTeacher is a comprehensive web-based training system that supports Classroom training (face-to-face), Blended training (combining classroom and distance learning), online tutoring and online self-learning. OceanTeacher has been developed as a training system for ocean data managers (working in ocean data centres), marine information managers (marine librarians) as well as for marine researchers who wish to acquire knowledge on data and/or information management. In addition OceanTeacher is being used for training in other related disciplines. When the Digital Library and OpenCourseWare are used together for a training event this is called an OceanTeacher Classroom. The collection of all training instances constitutes the OceanTeacher Academy.
Contents accessibility, Registration and enrolling on OceanTeacher website 1. REGISTRATION Go to the course webpage and Create a New Account for yourself (Registration) follow the instructions carefully 2. ENROLL Find the ENROLL button on the right hand menu of the course navigation, and enroll in the course. OceanTeacher content is freely and openly available and access does not require registration. Access to contents available during and after your course OceanTeacher content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Claudia Delgado OceanTeacher Training Coordinator IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
body within UNESCO established in 1960 Headquarters in Paris, France Field Offices –Colombia, Brazil, Thailand, Kenya, Denmark, Belgium, Australia 142 Member States IOC – Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission IOC goals: “… to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in marine research, services, observation systems, hazard mitigation and capacity development in order to learn more and to better manage the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas” Warren Wooster First Exec Sec IOC
IOC High-Level Objectives and Associated Activities Prevention and reduction of the impacts of natural hazards Mitigation of the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability Safeguarding the health of ocean ecosystems Management procedures and policies leading to the sustainability of coastal and ocean environment and resources (Resolution EC-XXXIX.1)
IOC Sections & Programmes Tsunami Coordination Unit: –works with Member States and other UN agencies and NGOs, to build sustainable tsunami early warning systems. Ocean Sciences: –addressing scientific uncertainties for the management of the marine environment and climate change WCRP IOCCP OOPC HAB GLOBEC ICAM Ocean Observations and Services: - Developing operational capabilities for the management and sustainable development of the open oceans and coastal seas GOOS JCOMM IODE (includes OceanTeacher CB Programme) Capacity Development: –empowering developing countries to sustainably use their coastal and marine resources
The IOC and its IODE 1960: requirement for a structure to co-ordinate international oceanographic data exchange IOC-I, 1961: Working Group on Exchange of Oceanographic Data established: –the facilitating of exchange of oceanographic data, the standardization of forms for reporting and coding data, the encouragement of the preparation of data catalogues, and the assistance of development of national oceanographic data centres Established in 1961 ‘to enhance marine research, exploitation and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products’
IODE Terms of Reference (2005) to facilitate and promote the exchange of all marine data and information including metadata, products and information in real-time, near real time and delayed mode; to ensure the long term archival, management and services of all marine data and information; to promote the use of international standards, and develop or help in the development of standards and methods for the global exchange of marine data and information, using the most appropriate information management and information technology; to assist Member States to acquire the necessary capacity to manage marine data and information and become partners in the IODE network; and to support international scientific and operational marine programmes of IOC and WMO and their sponsor organisations with advice and data management services. and Support science, observation and coastal/marine management programmes (IOC D&IM strategy, 2007
IOC/IODE Data Policy Clause 1: Member States shall provide timely, free and unrestricted access to all data, associated metadata and products generated under the auspices of IOC programmes 16
IODE: global network data centres Data centres (NODCs): –1961: 2 –2011: 80 Marine Libraries National coordinators (DM & IM)
IODE activities 20 project at global level – Data Management: GODAR, GTSPP, GOSUS, JCOMM, Marine XML, MEDI, Ocean Data Portal (ODP), WIGOS, Virtual Lab, Data Publishing, Data Standards – Information Management: OceanDocs, ASFA, OceanExpert, OpenScienceDirectory 7 regional CB platforms: ODINAFRICA, ODINCARSA, ODINCINDIO, ODINECET, ODIN-PIMRIS, ODIN-WESTPAC, ODINBlackSea – Regional products: AMA, CMA IODE Structure
Other IODE Projects GTSPP –Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program is an international project to develop and maintain a global ocean Temperature-Salinity resource. GOSUD –Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project is a global project to collect, process, archive and disseminate sea surface salinity and other variables collected underway by research and opportunity ships. OBIS –Ocean Biogeographic Information System is a web-based access point to information about the distribution and abundance of living species in the ocean. OceanDocs –A repository network for oceanography and marine science
A training resource/tool to support IODE capacity development activities Provides training tools for Oceanographic Data and Information management Comprehensive resource tool for newly established NODCs Underpins the education and training requirements of the ODINs Audience: –Data and information managers –NODC staff (newly established and established centres) –Marine library staff (newly established and established libraries) –University students and researchers who need training in data and information management –Staff of facilities working in related disciplines who need familiarization with oceanographic data management techniques IODE training (CB) tool