Ensuring Quality Shipping – a Danish Perspective Lisbet Dyerberg Deputy Director General, Danish Maritime Authority XII International Seminar of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, October 2009
Protectionism can show its face in many ways
Response from governments Cooperation and dialogue Transparency and effective monitoring –Free-flowing information on policies affecting trade and shipping is essential Swift action towards new protectionistic measures Continue efforts to promote international liberalization
Additional policy challenges Maintain efforts to ensure free trade and open markets recruitment and education level playing field for quality shipping
Yard Commercial management Owner Technical management Crewing Globalised shipping
Quality Shipping We have rules, guidelines and registration systems. Do we need more rules ? Administrative burdens (paper overload)?
Lower administrative burdens – the Danish experience – more time on safety Have since 2005 worked vigorously to fulfil the governments objective to reduce companies administrative burdens by up to 25 percent in How much can we do within the maritime sector? How much can we do on board the ships?
There is more to quality shipping than clean certificates Not just complying, but adding value through effective operations of safe vessels on clean oceans with healthy seafarers
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