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Creating How a Bill becomes a Law Board Game
Content Objective: I will analyze the functions of government and the relationship to democratic values at the State and National levels by creating a How a Bill becomes a Law board game.
Key Vocabulary Congress House of Representatives Senate Committee Floor Veto
Directions 1. Take out your information sheet on How A Bill Becomes a Law. You can also use your textbook or the Internet (any resource that helps you understand the process). 2. You may work in groups of two. 3. Create your own game board that helps you and other students learn how a bill becomes a law.
4. Brainstorm a word bank of terms that can be used as game cards as a bill moves from start to finish. Terms should include but are not limited to: 1. House of Representatives 2. Senate 3. Introduction 4. Committee 5. Floor 6. Debate 7. Veto 8. Override 9. Conference Committee 10. Recommend to the Floor 11. Two-Thirds 12. Final Approval 13. President
Also include the following words: 1. Lobbyist 2. Pigeonhole 3. Filibuster 4. Rules Committee 5. Mark-Up 6. Pocket veto
5. Take a look at the sample game board. (Next page). Use images from your Internet, hand drawn images, or Xerox copies from your book to complete the game board. 6. Create game cards that help the bill move backwards or forwards. Make your game board colorful (lots of red, white, and blue) and have it reflect the legislative process of moving through both houses, committees, and to the President.
How a Bill Becomes Law Game Board Evaluation Sheet Group: Place students’ names in blanks: ___________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ The following elements must be visible on your game board: ___The bill is created out of an idea from a lawmaker, citizen, or special interest group. ___The bill is introduced in either house by a lawmaker. ___The Speaker of the House sends the bill to a specific standing committee. ___The bill is studied by the committee, marked up, passed or killed. ___The bill is debated and voted on by the House/Senate. The bill fails or is passed. ___The bill is sent to the other house. ___The bill is introduced in the other house by a lawmaker. ___The bill is sent to a specific standing committee by the Majority Leader. ___The bill is studied by the committee, marked up, passed or killed. ___The bill is debated and voted on by the House/Senate. The bill fails or is passed. ___Differing versions of the bill are worked out in Conference Committee. ___Both houses must approve the conference bill. ___The president signs or vetoes the bill. Pocket veto or failure to act is also possible. ___Override of a veto requires 2/3 rd of both houses. ___The bill becomes LAW. Subtotal: ______ 2 points per item (30 points) ___Color and creativity (10 points) ___Images illustrating the process (10 points) ___Title present (5) Total: ____________ 55 out of 50 possible (5 Extra credit points)
Please Ask Questions!!! Due Friday at the end of class!!!