Ode to a Grecian Urn What is the stanza structure? What is the rhyme scheme? –Why is this significant? What does it mean in lines 1-3 when the urn is described as an “unravished bride of quietness” or a “Sylvan historian”? What images are on the urn? (lines 5-10)
Ode to a Grecian Urn What does it mean that an unheard melody is sweeter? (lines 11-12) Paraphrase line 20 What images are described in the 4 th stanza? What does the 5 th stanza say about the speaker and the urn?
Ode to a Nightingale What is the setting? How does the speaker feel as the poem opens? 2 nd stanza What is a beaker full of the warm South (line 15)? What do lines 19 & 20 mean?
3 rd stanza What instances of alliteration exist? What is their effect? What illness is described in this stanza? How might this relate to Keat’s life? What does the speaker want to escape from then?
4 th & 5 th stanzas What is the tone change here? What causes this change? What is the setting now? How does the speaker experience this setting? Why is this significant?
6 th, 7 th & 8 th stanzas Why is it “rich to die” now? Where might the nightingale’s song been heard before? Who is Ruth? What word ties together 7 th and 8 th stanzas? What happens in the last stanza?
Lord George Gordon Byron (1788 – 1824)
Byron bio Scottish nobility Born with a clubbed foot When uncle died, George was 10 and became 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale and inhereited Newstead Abbey in Nottingham Very well educated – trinity college at Cambridge – got a master’s Lots of numerous affairs and lots of illegit kids. Liason with half sister, augusta Married Annabella Millbank in 1815 – had a daughter Augusta Ada Annabella left him and so he left England for Europe. In Switzerland meet up with the Shelleys More affairs. Then went to Italy. There was where he wrote Don Juan
Byronic Hero an idealized but flawed character exemplified in the life and writings of Lord Byron: characterised by his ex-lover Lady Caroline Lamb as being "mad, bad and dangerous to know". Type of anti-hero. What character that we have studied is the example of this type of hero? The Byronic hero first appears in Byron's semi- autobiographical epic narrative poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage ( ).
Byronic hero characteristics conflicting emotions, bipolar tendencies, or moodiness self-critical and introspective struggles with integrity a distaste for social institutions and social norms an exile or outcast - rejected from society a lack of respect for rank and privilege a troubled past being cynical, demanding, and/or arrogant often self-destructive troubles with sexual identity
She Walks in Beauty Written in 1814 Byron was 26 Written about his cousin – Anne Wilmot. Saw her at ball even. She was in mourning Anne wore a black dress with spangles Sent her this the next day. The manuscript is in Pierpont Morgan Library in NYC
She Walks in Beauty What is the rhyme scheme? What is the effect of this? What simile does the speaker use to describe the woman? What is the effect of the enjambment in the first two lines?
She Walks in Beauty What is significant about “meet” in line 4? What is the importance of lines 7-8? What colors are shown in her physical appearance? What does her appearance suggest to the speaker about her personality? What line has the answer? How do we know there is an emphasis on this? Line 17 – what is “below”?
Your homework Review sheet for romanticism –Blake –Wordsworth –Coleridge –Keats –Shelly –Byron Bring your Norton Anthology Bring Great Expectations