Lesson 2. Let me Introduce My Friends Talk & Play
1. Let me introduce my…… 2. He is tall/ nice/ handsome/cute 3. He has long hair/ short hair/ nice glasses. 4. He loves painting/reading/ singing/ playing the piano/ playing soccer/ helping people 5. What a great/cute/nice/- boy/girl/man/woman!
게임제목 : 소개하기 활동형태 : 모둠을 두팀으로 나누기 준비물 : 동전 1 개
How to play: Students take turns placing the coin on the ‘Put coi n here’ circle and flicking then coin. They should tr y and get the coin in a square. If they do, they must say the word which matches the picture that is in the square they have landed on. If they are correct they sign their name in the square.
Rules: - If the coin is flicked outside of the board game, the player loses a turn. - If the coin is half in one square and half in another the player loses a turn. - If a player flicks their coin in a square which has already been signed they miss a turn. Mission:The aim of the game is to be the player with the most signed squares.